Chapter 87 Ariel walks alone & the team reunites

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It's been five days since I left. At the college they all went to the dorm room I share with Kaitlyn. "You know, a wise ranger once told me that breakfast is the most important meal of the day." Mike said. "I told you that." John said as he sat down on the other bed. Then he pulled out his sketchbook. "While I've been laid up, I've been thinking about the possibility of combining the samurai battlewing with the megasword." John said. "The last time I had a sick day, I played video games, drank ginger ale, and had chicken soup." Mike said before looking at Jayden. "What's up with you?" Mike asked. "Ariel is still not back." Jayden said. Then Jason came into the room. "Hello everyone. Hi Kaitlyn. I hope you're feeling better." Jason said. "You can cut the happy act. We know something's up." John said. "We know that Ariel is gone." Kaitlyn said. "Don't worry, she'll be back. The rest of us just need to focus on our mission." Jason said. Meanwhile in the netherworld Octaroo told Robtish that he would hate to be him. "Oo-ah-oo. I'd hate to be you when the boss wakes up and hears the black ranger intervened." Octaroo said. "I guess you aren't as vicious as we thought." Dayu said. "The rangers had help. Some girl that's all buddy buddy with them." Robtish said. "Virginia?" Dayu asked. Just then Master Xandred woke up. "What? Virginia is helping the rangers now? What a headache." Master Xandred said. "Good morning Master Xandred. I can take care of the red ranger for you but not if I have to battle the black ranger too." Robtish said. Back at the college Mike was glad to see that John and Kaitlyn were feeling better. "Good to see you guys are feeling better." Mike said before walking over to Jayden and sitting down next to him. "I remember how messed up I felt when a nighlok attack my buddies just because they were hanging with me." Mike said. "Think about what Ariel is feeling just knowing that we're willing to take hits for her." Jayden said. "Yeah, it must be so hard to know that you're the ranger that is emotionally involved with the others." Mike said. "I know." Mia said. "You know, Ariel was always like that. After her best friend died, she has gotten so protective of everyone else." John said. Back in the netherworld Octaroo turned to face Robtish. "Look at you sitting on your rump. Get a move on and eliminate the red ranger." Octaroo said. "Consider it done." Robtish said. Back in town I was sitting by a beach when I heard a young girl crying. I looked over at the playground where there were kids playing and the girl was sitting on a bench by herself. I got up and walked over to her. Then I knelt down to her level. "What's wrong girl?" I asked. "My mom died and I miss her." Sadie said. "I know how you feel. I miss my mom too." I said. "Are you okay?" Sadie asked. "Yeah, do you want to see a little trick?" I asked as I sat down next to her. She nodded. I pulled out my samuraizer and wrote the symbol for paper and a sheet of black paper shows up in it's place. "Pretty cool, huh?" I asked. She nodded again. Then I folded it into an airplane and let it fly. She started to play with the others. "This is how it should be. No monsters, no worries. Just kids having fun." I said to myself before I started to walk away. Just then some moggers showed up. I turned to the woman who was with them. "Gather up the kids and get them somewhere safe." I said. She nodded and stared to gather them up. I ran at the moggers and tried to fight them off with my tae-kwon-do moves. Back at the college the gap sensor on John's samuraizer went off. "Reefside park. Are you really up for this?" Jason asked. "We have to be up for it." John said. "Yeah, we all wish Ariel was here with us but there's a nighlok out there." Emily said. "You should know that Ariel struggles with putting any of you at risk. She has always been protective of her friends. She wanted to take on this mission alone, which is why she walks alone now." Jason said. "Jason, forgive me for saying this but you're wrong. Ariel will never walk alone again." Kevin said. "She'll always have us. We're a team till the end." Kaitlyn said.

"Let's move out. We have a nighlok to take down." Mike said. Back in town, Robtish showed up. "I love a day at the park, and scaring these humans is childs play." Robtish said. Then Sadie pulled out the paper airplane I made for her from under Robtish's foot. "Aw, is that for me?" He asked. Sadie didn't answer him. Before he could do anything to her I sent my wolf sword to attack him. I got over to her. "I got you." I said as I picked her up. I got her over to the others and told them to get out of here. They ran away. "So, we meet again black ranger. Too bad Virginia isn't here to save you this time." Robtish said as I turned to face him. "I'm happy to destroy you all by myself nighlok." I said. "That's nice. I don't mind having someone else to do my dirty work." Robtish said before sending the moggers at me. I pull out my spin sword and started to fight them. I was getting attacked from all sides. I got knocked down. "Such unfair odds, I almost feel guilty... not." Robtish said. Then I heard someone call my name. I looked over to my right and see my friends running towards me. They started to fight the moggers. "Is this a private game or can anyone play?" Mike asked. "That's my team." I said to myself. "We're in this together, forever." Mia said. "Yeah, your mission is our mission." Kaitlyn said. "She's right. We won't let you do this alone." John said. I got up. "Thanks guys. I'm glad you showed up." I said. If they haven't shown up at the time they did I probably would have been dead by the time they showed up. Then a flashback of me talking to my dad came into my head. (Flashback: Mike and Ariel are outside talking.
Mike: You must be brave Ariel. One day, you'll be a ranger just like me. I know that you'll rise to the challenge and soar to victory.
Young Ariel: I'll try dad. I promise you that.
End of flashback)
"I don't like putting you in danger but someone has to stop the nighlok. And I'm glad it's us." I said before we all morphed. "Good, I can destroy you all together. Might as well go out as a team." Robtish said. We used octet slash to take down the rest of the moggers. "Following me here wasn't wise." Robtish said. "Together our team can handle anything you throw at us." I said. "Prove it." Robtish said. After a few hits we knocked him down. "See how your team deals with this." Robtish said. "He'll start with a shockwave, then watch for his slash attack. Defend against those and we'll be fine. Jayden, I want you to use the eight disc tiger cannon." I said. "You got it." Jayden said. Then he used shockwave and I defended against that with Mia, Emily, and Kaitlyn. Then he used double slash and John defended against that with Kevin and Mike. Then we loaded our discs into the eight disc tiger cannon. Then Jayden fired it at Robtish. It destroyed him. I turned to everyone. "Is everybody okay?" I asked. "Yeah, we're okay." Kaitlyn said. Then Robtish came back as a mega monster. "Now you've got a big problem." Robtish said. We got into our swords and brought them together. "Do you think I'm scared of you now?" Robtish said before sending some flying moggers at us. "They fly now too?" Mike asked. "Unbelievable." I said.

They started to blast us. Robtish was also attacking us.

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