Chapter 27 the time loop part 1

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John looked at Tommy. "Oh, right, you're not from the Pittsburgh area. Basically, a jagoff is anyone who pisses off someone from Pittsburgh." John said. "How do you know that if you're not from Pittsburgh yourself?" Jason asked. "She told me that." John said. Meanwhile in the machine empire Prince Gasket said that all of the pieces of his plan were falling into place. "All the pieces are falling into place. I shall soon conquer the earth and take my rightful place as king." Prince Gasket said. "Earth is not an easy prize my handsome prince. How will you succeed where so many have failed?" Archeria asked. "With a brilliant plan. First off, my newest creation, chono sapiens is already on earth. And my battle fleet is nearing attack position as we speak." Prince Gasket said. "Glorious, but won't the rangers notice?" Archeria asked. "They won't have time to notice." Prince Gasket said. Meanwhile on earth Prince Sprocket showed up with some cogs and Clank. "This is perfect. We'll ambush the rangers and then mommy will see which son really has it in gear." Prince Sprocket said. "Are you sure that's such a great idea? You're brother has a big plan in the works too you know." Clank said. "Gasket needs a plan to change his own oil. I'll prove that I'm the favorite royal son who deserves the crown when I finish off those zeo rangers all by myself." Prince Sprocket said. The next day stared off just like any normal day but it got weird really quickly. I was at my locker when Tommy and Katherine walked up to Katherine's locker and Tommy opened it for her, which I never saw before. I didn't really give it much thought and just thought that he was being nice. Then Jason walked up to us with Rocky, John, and Kaitlyn not far behind. Before Jason could ask about the test Tommy spoke. "Yep, ready as we'll ever be." Tommy said. "Ain't that the truth." I said. "How'd both of you know what I was gonna say?" Jason asked. "I don't know. Weird huh?" Tommy asked. "Yeah." John said. "Anyway, I told Tanya and Adam that we would meet them at the youth center after school." Jason said. I was looking forward to it since I didn't hang out with them yesterday. Just then Bri opened her locker but before the books could fall out I stopped it just in the nick of time. "You really need to try to keep your locker clean. It's going to become a hazard zone one of these days." I said. "I know, I'm working on it. And thanks." Brianna said. As we walked to the youth center after school, we were talking. "It's the weirdest thing." Tommy said. "You mean the feeling of deja vu?" I asked. "How did you know?" Tommy asked. "I'm getting the same feeling, like I experienced all of this before. Even though it's been a few years since then." I said. Then without warning, cogs showed up. "Did you see this coming?" John asked. "No way." I said. "It's morphing time!" Tommy said before we all morphed. "Zeo ranger one pink!" Katherine said to morph.

"Zeo ranger five red!" Tommy said to morph. "Zeo ranger six purple!" I said to morph. "Zeo ranger seven silver!" John said to morph. "Zeo ranger eight white!" Kaitlyn said to morph.

Then we started to fight the cogs but some of us were getting attacked from every side. Somehow, Prince Gasket noticed. "That rust bucket has ran right into the middle of my plan." Prince Gasket said. "Will he ruin everything?" Archeria asked. "Even he can't mess it up. He might even help us by accident. The rangers time has run out." Prince Gasket said. Meanwhile on earth we were still fighting off the cogs and little did we know that Prince Sprocket was watching us. "This ambush isn't working too well." Prince Sprocket said. We finally had them right where we wanted them. "You guys just don't know when to quit." I said before they retreated. After they retreated I turned to Tommy. "We're telling you guys. Something weird is going on around here." Tommy said. "Yeah, we just don't know what." I said. Then we demorphed and headed to the youth center. "Hey guys." I said as we walked up to them. "Hey, what kept you guys?" Tanya said. "There might have been a slight run-in with the cogs." I said. "A slight run-in? It was like an ambush." John said. "It wasn't anything we couldn't handle." I said. "I just don't understand why I didn't know what was going to happen." Tommy said. "What is he talking about?" Adam said. "It's a little bit difficult to explain. Let's just say that both Tommy and me have been having a feeling that all of the stuff that's been going on has happened before, just like we've been telling you." I said. "Everybody gets that feeling once in a while." Tanya said. "Yeah, it's not so weird." Adam said. "Something's up, we'll show you." Tommy said. "In exactly five seconds, Bulk is going to get soda spray on his face." I said. Then it happened, just like I said it would. "Look, we're not saying that we don't believe you but that kind of stuff happens every day." Rocky said. "Yeah, he has a point." Katherine said. "A good one." Kaitlyn added. The next morning at school I noticed Bri was having trouble opening her locker but this time it was completely different. "You need some help?" I asked. "Yeah, I think it's jammed or something." Bri said. "I hate it when that happens. It happened to me last week." I said. "Yeah, I know." Bri said. Then I noticed the others. "I'll see you in science, okay?" I asked as I turned away to go to my locker. "Okay, I'll see you there." Bri said as I walked over to my locker. Then Tommy and I basically said ready as we'll ever be at the same exact time. "Did we just have an unplanned synchronized answer to an unasked question?" Tommy asked. "I guess we did." I said. "How did you two know what I was gonna say?" Jason asked. "I don't know." Tommy said. That's when I finally had an idea about what was going on. "Tommy, can I talk to you for a minute, alone?" I asked. "Sure, guys can you give us a minute?" Tommy asked. "Actually, we're going to get to history a little earlier today so we'll see you guys there." Katherine said as she closed her locker and walked away with the others. As soon as they were out of earshot I turned to Tommy. "I think I know what's going on." I said. "What?" Tommy asked. "I think we're stuck in a time loop." I said. "You mean like what happened in groundhog day?" Tommy asked. "And in the suite life on deck and doctor who." I said. "I never saw either one of those shows, but I have seen groundhog day." Tommy said. "I haven't seen the suite life on deck either, but I have seen some episodes of doctor who." I said. "Really?" Tommy asked. "Yeah. But just the episodes from season three of doctor who that had the weeping angels in them." I said. Then John walked up behind me and said the line from one of the weeping angels episodes that I have seen. "Don't blink don't even blink. Blink and your dead. They are fast faster than you can believe. Don't turn your back, don't look away, and don't blink." John said. I turned to face him and he was laughing. "Damn you John, it's not funny." I said. "What, did I scare you?" John asked. "A little. Anyway we should get to class." I said. "Good call." John said before walking away. "Let's go before we get in trouble for being late." Tommy said. "Right behind you." I said as I closed my locker. After school we were walking to the youth center and talking to each other. "We're telling you guys, we know what people are gonna say before they say it." Tommy said. "And we know what's gonna happen before it happens." I said.

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