Chapter 19 captured by prince Gasket

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We went to the other side of the lake. Little did we know that Prince Gasket was there with Prince Sprocket. "Yes this area will make an excellent location for our machine kingdom." Prince Gasket said. "What are you talking about? We've already got a headquarters up on the moon." Prince Sprocket said. Prince Gasket turned to face him. "Baby brother, once I take over as king, changes will be made." Prince Gasket said. "You as king? Who says?

I want to be king." Prince Sprocket said. "I am the only more experienced and well-oiled sibling. I shall rule in father's absence." Prince Gasket said. "Oh yeah? What can you do that I can't do?" Prince Sprocket said. "Destroy the power rangers you simp. Just watch." Prince Gasket said. Back by the lake Tommy gave us a wave and we waved back. Just then Prince Gasket shot some kind of lightning bolt at Tommy making him disappear. "Uh, John, did you just see that?" I asked. "If you did." John said in response. "What happened? He's gone." Katherine said. They get onto a jet ski and went out to find out what happened and to see if there is any sign of him while John and I went back to the command center to see if we can locate him. They finally got over to the jet ski. "There's no sign of him." Katherine said. "He's not here Kat. This is really weird." Jason said. "Yeah, well, I've got a pretty good idea of what happened to him." Katherine said. Meanwhile by some bushes Prince Gasket knew that phase one of his plan was complete. "Yes, phase one is now complete but without their team leader the power rangers will crumble. Tommy has disappeared. When our dearest mother witnesses my uncanny achievement, she will want me to rule the entire machine empire forever." Prince Gasket said. On the beach part of the lake, Jason checked the engine. "This doesn't make any sense to me." Jason said. We better call Ariel and John." Katherine said before contacting us. "Ariel, this is Kat. Tommy has just disappeared from the lake and we can't find him anywhere." Katherine said. "Don't worry Kat. John and I are doing a global scan right now." I said. "We'll find him, don't worry." John said. "I hope so John. Kat out." Katherine said. Then his uncle walked up to them. "Hey guys. Where's Tommy?" Josh asked. "He thought he heard something funny with the engine and he had to go get a part." Jason said, hoping that Josh wouldn't see through his lie. Josh took a look at the engine. "I better have my mechanic take a look at it. I'll see you guys later." Josh said before walking away. Jason was actually happy that Josh didn't see through his lie. Then I got into contact with them. "Go ahead Ariel." Jason said. "Guys, listen, Tommy is not on earth." I said. "What?" Katherine asked. "We better get back to the command center." Jason said. They teleported to the command center. "It appears Tommy was teleported off earth by a powerful beam of energy. It's also blocking his communicator so we have no way of contacting him." Alpha said. "Then how are we supposed to find him?" Katherine asked. "The beam that took Tommy most likely left residual energy at the lake. If there are any particles remaining this molecular scanner will detect them." Alpha said as he handed the scanner to her. "Once we get a lock on the energy we can feed it into our computer and start a galactic search for Tommy." Zordon said. "Anything's worth a try." Jason said. "Good luck rangers." Alpha said. We teleported out of the command center and back to the lake. "Okay, let's go slow. I don't want to miss anything." Katherine said as we started to see if we can get a reading on the scanner. Little did we know that Prince Gasket was watching us. "What are those pesky power brats up to now anyway?" Prince Gasket said. "Looks like they're gonna mess up your plan big brother." Prince Sprocket said. "Oh really? Not if I have anything to say about it." Prince Gasket said before sending some cogs our way. I seemed to have noticed them almost immediately. "Cogs, just what we don't need right now." I said. "It's morphing time!" Jason said before all of us morphed.

"Zeo ranger one pink!" Katherine said to morph. "Zeo ranger six purple!" I said to morph. "Zeo ranger seven, silver!" John said to morph. We started to fight off the cogs but there were too many of them. We were outnumbered by a lot but not in power. Katherine tried to hold onto the scanner as she was getting attacked by cogs but one of them kicked it out of her hand. But then both me and her got knocked down. "John!" I shouted. "Jason!" Katherine shouted. "Ariel, I'm coming!" John shouted as he ran over to me. "Kat, coming!" Jason shouted as he ran over to her. "Are you alright?" John asked when he got over to me. "I think so." I said. Jason asked Katherine if she's alright and Katherine told him that she is okay. Then the cogs disappeared through some kind of portal. "Jason, the scanner was damaged by the cogs during their attack. Now it's totally inoperable. What are we gonna do?" Kathrine asked. "Hopefully Alpha can fix it." Jason said. "How simple. It's like draining oil from a baby gadget." Prince Gasket said. "Oh yeah? I bet you those rangers will be back." Prince Sprocket said. "Well, in that case I'll be ready with something powerful when they return." Prince Gasket said. Just then Prince Gasket turned one of the jet skis into a monster that can spray water at people to make them lightheaded. Back at the command center we just got the alert of the new monster. He just attacked Tommy's uncle. "Alpha, send the other rangers to the lake." I said. "Right Ariel. Then I'll keep working on the scanner." Alpha said. "Please hurry Alpha. I'm really worried about Tommy." Katherine said. "You're not the only one." I said. Then we teleported back to the lake and the others joined us. When we got there we saw two people on the ground. They weren't moving. "Do you think they're alright?" Tanya said. "They're stunned. They'll be okay." Adam said. "That's more than I can say for you. My name's Cruel Chrome rangers and you might as well wave goodbye to your world right now." Cruel Chrome said. "You better just cool your jets pal because you're the only one around here who's sunk." Jason said. "That's tough talk from a second-rate substitute. Too bad your real team captain Tommy isn't around anymore." Cruel Chrome said. "Where is he?" I asked. "Don't trouble yourselves. Have a nice spray." Cruel Chrome said. Just then, most of the team went down which left me as the only one standing. I got in front of them. "Are you guys okay?" I asked. "We're really lightheaded. We can't stand up." Rocky said. I turned back to Cruel Chrome. "Nobody attacks my friends and gets away with it!" I shouted as I lunged at him. "How are you still able to stand up to me? I sprayed you too." Cruel Chrome said. "You don't need to know how I'm still able to stand up to you eventhough you sprayed me." I said as I continued to attack him. "Too bad I can't say the same about the rest of the rangers." Cruel Chrome said. "How is the purple ranger still able to fight eventhough she got sprayed too?" Prince Gasket asked. "I'm not sure." Prince Sprocket said. Then they stood up just as the lightheaded spray was wearing off. "It's finally wearing off Ariel." Jason said. "Great, we can actually take care of this guy now." I said. "You all need a second dose so you could really relax. As for you purple ranger, it looks like it's going to take more than one dose to keep you down." Cruel Chrome said. "Don't count on that." I said. As I was about to lunge at him again John stopped me. "Ariel, stop! We gotta regroup!" John said.

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