Chapter 42 Meeting Lerigot & becoming turbo rangers part 1

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Rygog really doesn't want to do the job. "No thanks, but I'd be happy to lend a hand." Rygog said. "Oh yeah, real funny." Elgar said. "Shut up, both of you! You're giving me such a migraine." Divatox said. She has a plan. Once they take away the one thing he values most in the world, he will come to them willingly. "Where's my eely, where is he? Come to mommy." Divatox said while getting her pet out of its tank. She wants Lerigot's family captured and brought to her because, according to her, she has a date with destiny. Lerigot makes it to earth and met a community of chimpanzees. That's when Alpha noticed that Lerigot is on earth. "Zordon, Lerigot the wizard of Liaria is here on earth. Zordon, where are you?" Alpha said. "I'm here Alpha." Zordon said. "Zordon, you scared the dials out of me." Alpha said. Zordon also sensed the arrival of Lerigot but they don't know why he came to earth if he can't survive on earth for very long. Zordon then told Alpha to pinpoint his location and contact us. Meanwhile at the hospital Justin walked into the room Rocky is in. When he heard us coming he hid under the bed. John and I were talking about something that happened last week. "I know, I can't believe he got ejected from the game." I said. "I know, right? That was totally uncalled for." John said as we came into the room. "Hey, we brought you a surprise." Tanya said. "How are you doing?" Tommy asked. "We got you a card." Adam said. "And some decoration." John said. "The doctor said you're going to make a full recovery." I said. "Yeah, but not in enough time for the competition. Looks like you guys are gonna have to go without me." Rocky said. "It looks like we don't have a choice. Without that prize money, the shelter is going to close down for good." Adam said. "You know, Justin is taking this really hard. It's bad enough he lost his mother, now he has to face losing a shelter too." Katherine said. "We're not going to let that happen." Tanya said. Just then our communicators beeped. "This is Ariel, go ahead." I said. "Rangers, report to the command center. A powerful wizard has arrived on earth and may be in danger." Zordon said. "We're on our way." I said. "Well, you guys heard Zordon. What are you waiting for?" Rocky asked. "We'll let you know what's going on." John said. "We'll be back soon Rocky." Kaitlyn said. "Be careful." Rocky said. Then we teleported to the command center. What we didn't know was that Justin just heard all of that. He found out that we were the power rangers. As he crawled out from under the bed he hit his head. "Ow!" Justin said. "Who's there? Justin, did you just hear all that?" Rocky asked. Justin turned to face him. "You guys are the power rangers?" Justin asked. Back at the command center Zordon told us that Lerigot has taken great pains to hide his exact location and that someone must be after him. "You must find him quickly." Alpha said. "Tanya, Katherine, John, Kaitlyn, and I better stay here, just in case." Adam said. "Good idea guys. This could be trouble. Keep an eye out." Tommy said. "He is somewhere in central Africa. Equip yourself with the power boxes and teleport there immediately. He can not survive under the sun's rays." Zordon said. Tommy and I both grabbed a power box. "Rangers, the short range locators in your power boxes should lead you straight to Lerigot." Alpha said. "Ready?" Tommy asked. "Let's do it." I said. Tommy and I work really well together so that's why John and Kaitlyn decided to stay behind with the others. Meanwhile on Lerigot's home planet Rygog found out where Lerigot went. "I found Lerigot. He's on earth." Rygog said. "Yes, he must be looking for Zordon. Excellent, you may kiss my hand." Divatox said. "Earth? That lint trap? Forget it! Let's go back to looting and pillaging! That's what I like!" Elgar said. "Never! Lerigot holds the only key to free Maligore the great flame of destruction and my husband-to-be. Once we are wed I will use his powers to raid all the riches of the universe. Thinking about it just gives me goosebumps." Divatox said. "Kinda gives me gas." Elgar said. "Elgar, on earth you will have the capture of two humans of purity and strength." Divatox said. They made their way to earth. Meanwhile in Africa, Tommy and I are walking around. "Wow, this reminds me of pictures I have seen of Australia." I said. Just then Tommy picked up Lerigot's signal. "Got him. The signal is coming from this direction." Tommy said as he pointed slightly to the right. "Alright, let's go find him." I said. Back at the command center John picked up something. "Wow, this is moving fast. Guys, come check this out. You know that object we've been tracking?" John asked. "Yeah?" Kaitlyn said. "It just entered the earth's atmosphere. But it has some kind of shield blocking its identity." John said. "It is likely the reason why Lerigot has come to earth. An evil energy surrounds it." Zordon said. "I've got a bad feeling about this. I hope Ariel and Tommy make it back soon." John said. Meanwhile in Africa Tommy noticed that Lerigot's signal is getting stronger. "Lerigot's signal is getting stronger." Tommy said. "Tommy, do you mind if we stop for a minute?" I asked. "Are you okay?" Tommy asked. "Yeah, it's just hot out here." I said. "I know. Want some water?" Tommy asked. I took a water bottle out of his power box and took a few sips of water. "We still have a lot of jungle to cover." Tommy said. "Thanks." I said as I gave him the water bottle. Then I sat down on a log by a tree, not knowing that there was a snake in the tree. Snakes creep me out more than anything. The snake came slithering down beside me. Tommy turned to face me and saw the snake. "Don't move." Tommy said. I gave him a look as to say okay, why? "On the count of three, jump away. One...two...three!" Tommy said. The minute he said three I jumped away. I ended up falling over a cliff and grabbing a branch. I looked down and saw a river. I did see the snake before falling over the cliff though. "Those damn snakes, why can't they just leave me alone?" I thought to myself. I wasn't sure how long this branch would hold my weight. "Tommy!" I yelled. Tommy was trying to fight off the snake. The branch started to break. I know that it won't hold my weight much longer. "Oh crap, I'm so dead." I thought to myself when I saw that the branch was starting to break. I can somewhat swim but I'm not exactly the strong swimmer of the group. That title goes to John in my opinion. "Ariel!" Tommy yelled. The branch broke and I fell to the water below. Before hitting the water I mopped into my zeo ranger form. "Zeo ranger six purple!" I said to morph. I wasn't sure if that was going to save me from death but what else could I have done? As soon as I hit the water I demorphed and swam up to the surface of the water. Tommy fought off the snake and jumped into the water to come after me. I was being carried down river at a fast pace. "Ariel!" Tommy yelled as he started to swim towards me. Pretty soon, he found himself stuck in the current as well. He called out to me multiple times but due to the sound of rushing water, I couldn't hear him. He finally got over to me. He pulled out a PFD from my power box and put it on me. We got to a slower moving part of the river and Tommy helped me to get back on land. "Are you okay?" Tommy asked. "Yeah, I think so. Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah." Tommy said. I started to rub my ankle. "My ankle hurts." I said.

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