Chapter 66 the secret relationship between Tommy & Ariel & spying on Mesagog

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The next thing he pulled out was a old newspaper article. "What's that doing in there?" John asked. "I don't know." I said as I took it out of Conner's hand. I looked at the article and the confusion on my face turned to shock. I gasped.

"What is it?" John asked. "Look at this." I said as I handed it to him. John read the first paragraph of the article and looked at me. "Tommy was your biological brother, and you didn't know it?" John asked. "I didn't know about this. We must have gotten separated when we were babies." I said. "Did your parents tell you anything about this?" John asked. "No, they didn't say anything about another brother." I said. I called my dad and confronted him about it. He told me that they separated us because of Mesagog. I knew that I had to find out what Mesagog was up to. I asked if we could take a break from this. They said they can, which I am happy about. The next day I was walking around town when I saw an invisaportal. I went through it and showed up in Mesagog's lab. He didn't seem to notice me. "I hope you're comfortable Anton. In a matter of hours, all your worries will fade to black." Mesagog said. That's when Elsa walked up to him. "The separation from Mercer was a stroke of genius Master." Elsa said. Mesagog turned to face her. "Yes Elsa. It was. And now, thanks to that genius, the people of earth will join me. With this weapon, I will at last complete my master plan." Mesagog said as he deployed his transfiguration beam weapon. "Your transfiguration beam is magnificent, but will you be able to supply it with enough power?" Elsa said. "Once I get the dino gems I will. But to make sure, I'll start with the power I've given you." Mesagog said. Then tyranodrones grabbed her and strapped her down to the life force extractor chair. "I'll miss you Elsa. Truly I will." Mesagog said. Back at the college Jason was talking to the others about a dance that's coming up. "You guys coming to the dance next week?" Jason asked. "Yeah, I'm going." Kaitlyn said. "Well, I'm not. I don't dance." John said.

That's when I texted Jason telling him what I found out. That's when they knew that we can speed up our plan. "How's the new project going? Do you think it will work?" John asked. "The tough part will be getting through an invisaportal with this much mass. We'll need a portal that operates at an exact frequency and latitude for it to work." Jason said. "Once we get inside, we'll be able to destroy Mesagog's lair once and for all." John said. Back at Mesagog's lab he was about to take Elsa's powers. "Please don't!" Elsa cried. I know that it's my duty to save people but after everything she has done for Mesagog, I just couldn't bring myself to save her. "Try not to move." Mesagog said. "Good riddance." I thought to myself.

Then he took the power from Elsa and she somehow disappeared. "Now all I need are the dino gems, and the earth will be mine as I always dreamed it would be." Mesagog said. I came up behind him. "You're gonna pay for what you did to Tommy." I said. "I needed your brother out of the way. I knew he would protect you." Mesagog said. "By attacking Angel Grove when you knew I was in Reefside? Bad move. I swear, if you threaten me or my family again I will..." I said when he cut me off. "You'll what? What will you do Ariel? Now let's get to the reason you're here." Mesagog said. "I'm offering you what you need to make your plan work." I said. "And what would that be?" Mesagog asked. "The dino gems. I'll bring them to you. All I ask is one simple favor." I said. "I'm listening." Mesagog said. "Leave my family and my friends alone. I'll get you what you want. Just leave them alone." I said. "But what guarantee do I have that you will deliver on your promise?" Mesagog asked. "What guarantee do I have that you'll leave my family and my friends alone?" I asked. We were locked in stares for a minute. "Alright, bring me the gems and they'll be safe. Although I don't why you want them to be safe." Mesagog said. Back in town Elsa had no idea where she was. Zeltrax showed up and kidnapped her. Back at the headquarters Jason picked up something on a radar that we placed around that area. "You better take a look at this." Jason said. I walked over to the computer to see what was going on. "Zeltrax, but what does he want with that civilian?" I asked. "I think it's time you contacted the others." Jason said. "Good call." I said before contacting the others. Ethan was the last one to respond. "This is Ethan." Ethan said. "Ethan, we've got a problem. Zeltrax is back. Meet me and the others at the steel plant on spring street." I said. "Copy that. I'm on my way." Ethan said. We ran up to Zeltrax. "Where's the woman Zeltrax?" I asked. "Safe and sound rangers. Come check if you'd like." Zeltrax said. We started to fight him. We all got thrown to the ground. "Your time is up rangers." Zeltrax said. "You know what time it is." I said. We all morphed.

We started to fight him again when I heard someone calling for help. "Help! Somebody help me!" Elsa called. "Conner, you, Kira, Ethan, and Trent deal with Zeltrax. John, Kaitlyn, you two are with me." I said. "On it." Conner and Ethan said at the same time. We went to go find her but when we made eye contact with her, I couldn't believe who it was. John and Kaitlyn helped me untie her. Back by the others they were either thrown to the ground or blasted. "Are you up to the new and improved Zeltrax?" Zeltrax asked before going into his new and improved form. "If you've seen one Zeltrax, you've seen them all. Shield of triumph! Triassic ranger, battlized mode, engage!" Conner said to go into the battlized mode of the triassic ranger. The canons came out. He shot them at Zeltrax as Zeltrax made a double of himself and escaped. "Guys!" John said getting their attention. I was helping her. "Steady." I said. "Who's that?" Kira asked. "Let's check it out." Conner said. They walked over to us. "It's Elsa." Trent said. I let go of her but before she could collapse onto the ground again Kaitlyn held her the way I was. "Elsa. Yes, that's what the creature called me." Elsa said. "Let's get her to the lab and figure out what's going on." John said. When we got back John asked me if I know what happened. "Mesagog is powering up a lazer that will transform humans into mutant dinosaurs. He drained Elsa of her energy to use the beam." I said. "That can't be enough to run that kind of equipment." Jason said. "He's going to use the dino gems to get the rest of the power." I said. "What do you mean he's going to use the dino gems?" Conner asked. "Yeah, how is he going to get them?" John asked. I took a deep breath.

I can't believe that I was about to say this. "I'm gonna give them to him." I said. "I'm not gonna give anyone my gem." Conner said. "Are you crazy?" John asked. "Just hear me out. You want to get onto that island. Mesagog wants the gems. If I hand them to him, I can open a portal for you. Once you get inside, you can destroy the beam and Mesagog in the process." I said. "No way. It's too risky." Jason said. "Jason, we don't have much of a choice. He's gonna get that thing going eventually. This could be our only shot." I said. I grabbed the case and they all gave me their gems with mine in the center. "This better work." Conner said. "I'll call when the portal is open." I said before walking out.

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