{Erwin Smith Part 1}

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Title: Locked Away Secrets

Anime: Attack on Titan


You had just landed in France, considering you were a master mind of the fine arts, you were absolutely dying to see some of the real Leonardo Da Vince works such as, The Mona Lisa or Madonna of The Rocks.

You tapped the little portable table that was in front of you, waiting for the stewardess to tell you that you could get off the plane.

You waited about 4 minutes until they finally told you to check around you and grab your personal belongings. You pushed your way through and was eagerly rushing your way to the paintings you most desired to see.

Once you got to the site, the Paris Louvre, you were so happy you could hardly stand it. One thing stood in your way of the entrance. Actually..several things stood in your way of the entrance. Police cars with their sirens on, police and investigators scattered everywhere. You noticed a tall, handsome man with a neat blonde undercut sort of hairstyle coming your way. He suddenly studied you for a second before stopping right in front of you. He asked,

"Miss, quel est votre nom?"

You looked at him confused because your French wasn't exactly up to par. He sighed and said clearly,

"What's your name?"

You felt uncomfortable under his professional gaze. You replied,

"(F/n) (L/n), actually I am a professor of the arts from (College of choice)."

He grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards the building. You were quite bewildered how by just saying your name he drug you off. Going under the police tape, despite your protests, you entered the building still quite confused on what on earth was happening.

You were now in the center of the building, where everything you dreamed of seeing was. What you didn't notice was that the handsome man with unusually large eyebrows was staring at you, obviously watching your every move.

"Mind..telling me why you suddenly dragged me here?"

He looked at you for a minute..then two...then two more.

"My name is Erwin Smith, Head of the Paris Police Department. Let's not worry about that for now. Look at the cross on the far left wall."

You suddenly ripped your gaze from him to the far left corner of the wall. Where the original cross of Jesus Christ was, (okay let's just pretend the original cross was there >.>) you gasped as someone you wished you would have never seen up on a crucifix was there. Your own flesh and blood, Your father. He had something written on his chest and you ran to him to get a closer look. The tears running down your face didn't help much in that subject. Erwin seen this and gently wiped your tears. Although he was a stranger the grief of your father was too much and you cried into his chest. He held you as you cried in pain and agony. You suddenly said through your choked tears,

"Who..would ever do such a thing?!?"

Erwin looked up for a minute before pulling your head back into his chest.

"We don't know. Actually I was coming to search for you, to see if you knew anything related to why or when this happened. I knew you were here to visit but when I seen you waltzing up like you didn't have a care in the world I was astonished."

You got off of Erwin and looked up at your dad. He had a similar crown of thorns just as Jesus did and 27 words written on his chest. They read:

Those who turn away from the Lord, get turned away from heaven
Those who turn away the homeless old woman, get turned away from the beautiful goddess.


Author's Note: Sorry okay I know this isn't too romantic but it will be in the second part. I started reading The Da Vince code and yeah just got this idea. THIS WAS SO EXCITING TO WRITE OML okay bye bye now.

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