{Kuroo Tetsuro}

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Title: Trapped

Anime: Haikyuu!!

A/N: Just to let you know this isn't a lemon. Although you will feel a massive amount of feels because Kuroo is slick af. The picture of that hunk is surely suggestive, but I just really like that pic and *major nosebleed that I die* okay onto my crappy story!


(Your PoV)

I waved to the last of the Nekoma Volleyball members as they made their way out of the volleyball court. We had just had our last match with (Random team because I can't remember any) and we had won. I was the manager of the group and managed stuff (lol) and cleaned up after everyone once practice was over , and since it was 9 pm I told everyone to just let me finish up and for them to all go home. I hummed as I put the last ball into the holder and grabbed my bag to go out. I noticed someone walked towards me and turned to see my crush, Kuroo Tetsuro, walking towards me. I put on my best smile and said,

"Hey Kuroo-kun! Going home too?" He smiled and jogged to catch up with me.

"Yeah. We had a great game today thanks to you, (Y/N), I'm really glad we have you as our manager." I blushed slightly hearing his words. We both were infront of the door and Kuroo went to open the door for me but when he tried, all that was heard was the failed attempts of opening the door.

"What the hell." He spat as he pulled on it harder. My eyes widened as I realized my situation. I was locked. In the gym. With Kuroo. It seemed like a blessing and a curse. Of course, on one hand I could confess right here and he would returned my feelings, or I could confess right here and him reject me, leaving the most awkward and devastating atmosphere until morning. I was snapped out of my thoughts when a hand was continuously waving infront of my face. I looked up to meet kuroo's eyes staring into mine. He said,

"Well, (Y/N), looks like we're staying here for the night. The warmest room in the supply room. Let's go there." He said as he held out his hand. Did he want me to hold his hand? Oh my god. Oh my god. Don't panic. I hesitantly took his hand.

"Good girl." He whispered as he led me to the supply room. Balls, brooms, and other things were lined up on shelves. I looked around and seen a few blankets on a top shelf. I walked away from him and tried to grab it. I went on my tippy toes and still couldn't reach it. I continued struggling until I felt a body warmth behind me. Kuroo was towering over me from behind, in order to get the things I wanted. I blushed as red as a tomato as I felt his breath against my neck. He got the blankets and handed them to me. I muttered a thanks and laid the blankets down on the floor for him and I, so that we could have somewhat of a comfortable sleep. He laid down on the blankets and motioned for me to lay down. I laid down on the other side, a good foot away from him. After a moment of silence, I heard an annoyed sigh.

"This won't do." He said as he pulled me closer to him. I yelped but suddenly felt a lot more comfortable when I felt his arm go under my head and his arm go around my waist. He whispers into my ear,

"That's better, isn't it (Y/N)?"

"M-mmhm." He kissed the back of my ear before saying,

"Goodnight baby girl." The butterflies in my stomache were so unbarable I thought I was going to die. His sweet words had sent me into cloud nine and that little kiss. That kiss. I breathed deeply then relaxed once again before slowly slipping into a deep, comfortable sleep.

Although I was in quite an uncomfortable situation. It was a situation that started something so big in my life, that I didn't mind being in it again.


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