{Death the Kid}

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Title: Symmetry

Anime: Soul Eater

A/N: STOP!! Please say the title in an old man voice. Thank you, proceed.


You walked up to the huge school with anticipation and lust for knowledge. It was your first day at DWMA, for you were a meister with a lot of potential.

You sighed in anxiety and relief as you reached the top step. You looked back down at all the steps you climbed and said happily,

"Your 'You Shall Not Pass' vibe can't scare me. I concurred you!" You shouted at the steps. You noticed two pairs of feet in your field of vision and you blushed in embarrassment. You looked up to see a girl with blonde pig-tails and a boy with white hair and a lazy vibe to him. You smiled shyly and said,

"A-ano..." The girl smiled and held out her hand.

"Hello, you must be new here! I'm Maka and this is my weapon, Soul." You smiled and shook her hand.

"I'm (Y/N)! And yes it's my first day here. I'm glad I just got up all those steps!" You and Maka laughed together.

"Yeah, it is pretty tiring but you'll get used to it. Anyways, who's your teacher?" She asked as she tilted her head.

"Um..." You rambled through your bag and pulled out your schedule.

"Says here...um..Dr. Stein?" Once you said that, Maka's face lit up.

"We have him too! We'll show you to the classroom." You nodded and linked arms with Maka. Soul just sighed and followed you two as you walked into the school.

You took notice of all the different people that passed you as you walked to your first class. The scenery was so different then what you were used to..there was a word to describe this place. You thought and said out loud,

"Symmetrical!" Soul scoffed from behind you and said,

"Not another one.." You furrowed your eyes in confusion and followed them to the room.

Once you were standing outside the door with Maka, your heart started to beat rapidly.

"Oh gosh I'm so nervous." You sighed and clutched your chest. Maka smiled and patted your back.

"Don't worry! I'll be here for you if anything happens." You smiled and replied,

"Thanks Maka, I'm glad I met you!" You both smiled at each other and walked into class.

You first noticed the many stares of your classmates that felt like they could pierce right through you. You gulped and looked to the front to see a man with grey hair and features like Frankenstein. He waved you over,

"Now class, we have a new student. Introduce yourself." You took a deep breathe and look into the many faces before you and said,

"Good Morning everyone! My name is (Y/N) (L/N) and I'm a meister. I'm hoping to find my weapon here soon. With that in mind, please take care of me!" You bowed and was about to take a seat when a loud voice rung out into the classroom and said,

"SHE'S PERFECT!" You blushed and looked up to see a boy with black hair, which weirdly had three strips on one side, orangish eyes, and a very intimidating presence. You looked around and pointed to yourself,

"M-me?" He got up from his seat, obviously not caring about the teacher's protests.

"Yes, you're absolutely 100% symmetrical." He looked at every aspect of your being and sighed in admiration. Little did he notice a dark shadow behind him, ready to explode.

"KID GET BACK TO YOUR SEAT AND STOP HARASSING MISS (Y/N)!!" The boy who was supposedly called, "Kid" jumped and stubbornly went to his seat. You quickly followed and sat in front of him beside a boy with blue, spiky hair.

Once you sat down, you pulled out your materials for class and paid attention to what Dr. Stein was saying. Well, you tried to pay attention anyway. The burning holes in the back of your head from someone staring at you obviously caused you to become distracted. You made sure that Stein wasn't looking before you hesitantly turned around.

Kid held his head in his arm with his elbow propped on his desk. His eyes were staring directly at you, like you were the most interesting thing on the planet. You whispered,

"U-um..I think you should be paying attention Kid.." He gasped and leaned in,

"You already know my name! Wonderful. I'll have to have my father start the wedding preparations right awa-" "WHAT?!" You whisper screamed. He blushed slightly and sat down in his seat. He must've come to realize all the embarrassing things he's said up until that moment. You chuckled at his sudden cute act and turned around. You shook your head while thinking,


(Time Skip)

The bell rung and immediately students rushed out of the room. You didn't want to be ran over, so you stayed behind. Thinking you were the only one in the classroom, you stretched and said aloud,

"This school is so interesting..the steps..the people..that..Kid..he's pretty-" "Pretty what?" A voice whispered into your ear. You screamed and fell out of your chair, resulting in you smashing the back of your head into the ground.

You suddenly felt a surge of pain where you impacted and touched it. You hissed and pulled your hand in front of your face to see blood. You screamed and soon felt light headed. You saw a blurred Kid in front of you, calling your name. You didn't even know what was happening, and soon your knees buckled out from under you and everything went black.

(Another time skip brought to you by I'm not wearing pants)

You woke up and immediately flinched when a bright white light came into your vision. You squinted and got used to the light, then opened your eyes.

"Huh..what am I doing here?" You asked to empty infirmary. You felt the bandage around your head and sighed,

"First day here and I've already hurt myself.." You pouted and soon a knock came to the door.

"Come in." You said. The door opened to reveal a guiltily faced Kid. You chuckled and asked him,

"What's that face for?" He set a perfectly symmetrical bouquet in your arms and said,

"I'm the reason you're in here..(Y/N) I'm sorry..I just felt so attracted to you..and believe me I don't get attracted to just anyone." He stated as he crossed his arms and continued,

"You're so symmetrical. Your (H/C) hair that's aligned perfectly, your (E/C) eyes that are the most stable shade of (E/C)..um..yeah so I know this is fast but I don't think I can go on with my life if I don't have you beside me. Please be my oh so symmetrical girlfriend?"

You stared at him with wide eyes.

"Could you say that again please?" You asked. Kid blushed slightly and asked in a quieter voice,

"Please be my girlfriend?" You blinked and thought to yourself,

"So this guy..actually wants to date me?" You blushed madly and looked him right in the eyes. You nodded and flashed him a bright smile. Kid smiled widely right along with you and brought you in for a warm hug. He then did something completely unexpected, he grabbed both of your breasts. (A/N: that escalated quickly)

"Ahh even your boobs are symmetrical.." A red tic mark appeared on your forehead and you pushed him off of the bed.

"How dare you." You said as you glared at him. He quickly kneeled and pull his hands together.

"I'm sorry! Please don't leave m-..oh my god..oh my god I think the painting at home is tilting by .02 centimeters!!" He flew out of the room and you sat there in a daze. You face palmed and said,

"What have I gotten myself into.."

A/N: wow he was really OOC okay jfc how many updates today AND AND THIS ONE WAS PRETTY LONG OMFFGGGGGGggggggg #weirsshithappensanywhere

Btw who requested this I can't find it in the comments TT_TT COME FORWARD YOUNG ESQUIRE

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