{Kenma Kozume}

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Title: Password

Anime: Haikyuu!!


You were checking yourself in your full body mirror to make sure you looked okay. Although it was a mere sleep over, your best friend/childhood friend/crush since before you were born, Kenma was coming over to play some video games and spend the night.

You were impatiently playing with your phone when you heard a small knock at your door. You jumped up and ran over to the door, swinging it open, revealing your pudding cat crush. You smiled and hugged him. He blushed slightly before hugging you back then murmuring,

"(Y/N) get off. Let me in."

You giggled and led him inside then shut the door behind you. You obviously didn't need to tell him where anything was. He set his stuff down, plopped down on your couch and said,

"Wanna get some snacks and then play CoD?"

"Sure! Popcorn and ice cream?"


You smiled and nodded as you skipped to the kitchen. As you were getting your things, you thought to yourself,

'Hehe it seems like we're a couple. Yeah right...I wish..'

You got the stuff and went back into the living room.

"Here ya go~!"

You chimed as you handed him the snacks. He thanked you and you started playing CoD together.

(Time skip to when your done playing games)

You both were eating ice cream when he suddenly put some ice cream on your face.

"Hey! Why'd you do that?"

"Just wanted to."

You scoffed and smudged some all over his mouth.

"Hey!" He barked as he glared at you.

"Sorry, I just wanted to."

He grabbed a hand full and flopped it down onto the top of your head and all through your hair. Your mouth was wide open and your eyes were burning holes into his eyes.

"H-Hey (Y/N) I didn't mean to."

You sighed and glared at him.

"I'm going to get a shower. You can get ready for bed okay?"

He nodded, but before you went into the bathroom, he stopped and asked.

"Hey can I use your laptop?"

You nodded and went in and shut the door.

(While you're in the shower)

Kenma went into your room and grabbed your laptop, sitting down on your bed he knew all to well. Honestly, when you asked him if he wanted to spend the night he was so happy he almost asked if he could come over that instant. He had liked you since as long as he could walk but he assumed you thought of him as a brother. He turned your laptop on and got to the 'select a profile' screen. You clicked on yours, but to his surprise, there was a password.

"What in the world could it be?"

He clicked on the 'hint' below and it said,

"Something I love very much."

He thought for a while. He tried your favorite animal, your favorite color, everything he knew you sincerely loved. He scratched his head then an idea came into his head.

"No..there's no way. Oh hell."

He hesitantly typed his name and pressed enter.

One...two...three seconds had passed before a screen came up that said,


"No way." He said out loud as he was now at your desktop which had a picture of you and him smiling together in your favorite park. His heart was pounding so hard he was afraid you could hear it from the bathroom.

Kenma had completely forgotten the reason he wanted to go on your computer.

"She...loves me?" He said quietly as he stared at your background.

Totally forgetting about your password and all that, you came out drying your hair, humming to your favorite song. You were just about to sit down on your bed when Kenma pulled you over to him and hugged you tightly.

"Kenma wha-"

"I love you too (Y/N)."

You gasped and realized what he meant. You had completely forgotten about your password. You could feel the deep blush on your face and the beating of your heart wasn't really helping. He pulled away slightly and stared into your eyes, then pulled you in for a soft, sweet kiss. You took no time kissing him back, heck you had been waiting for this moment your entire life. After your blissful moment, you both pulled away slightly panting. You asked out of the blue,

"W-why'd you do that Kenma?"

"Just wanted to." He replied as he pulled you in for another kiss.


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