{Aomine Daiki}

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Title: Bullying No More

Anime: Kuroko no Basket

Warning: Bullying and heavy swearing is mentioned





I stood infront of my locker, listening to the murmured insults that were intentionally being thrown my way. Of course, the girl who never did anything wrong is the girl that's picked on. I know I'm not pretty. I know I'm not rich. The bullying just keeps coming.

I just couldn't take it anymore and ran up to the roof, I then sat down on a bench and began crying my eyes out with my head down. I said to no one inparticular,

"I just don't understand why I'm the one who has to be bullied. Don't they understand how much it hurts and makes me want to die! They are so cruel, so harsh. And I just don't understand why they won't stop!!" I breathed heavily as I screamed the last part out into the open air. Someone then cut my thoughts,

"If they're bullying you, make them stop. Don't just let them get their way." I widened my eyes when I turned around and seen my classmate Aomine Daiki. We were partners for a big project once but other than that we didn't really talk. All I know is that he's a big time basketball player.

"You gotta stand up for yourself because if you don't, it's just gunna keep happening." He said lazily as he yawned and laid back down with his arms behind his head. I sighed and sat down again.

"Thanks but no thanks. I don't want to go against them it'll just make it worse." He then jumped off the elevated place he was resting and started for the door. I watched him go, but right before he got to the door he turned around.

"Aren't you coming?" I looked at him confused and replied,


"Those bullies aren't gunna stop themselves." My eyes widened and I blushed slightly, thinking to myself.

'Is this guy really going through all this trouble just to help me?'

He snapped me out of my thoughts when he walked over and grabbed my hand. I looked at his face to see him with a light smile.


We walked down the steps until we were in the main hall where most people were because they were getting ready to go home. We stood in the very middle as some people looked at us out of the corner of their eyes. Aomine suddenly yelled out.

"HEY EVERYONE LISTEN THE FUCK UP." Everyone stopped and turned to look at the tall, tanned, dark blue haired male as he yelled out to everyone.

"You see this girl right here? Her name is (Y/N)(L/N) and she is in Class B 1-4. She has been mentally and physically bullied by you assholes for 2 years now." I gasped and looked up at him and thought, 'How did he know?' Then he continued,

"First of all, bullying is such a dickhead thing to do that if you do it, you're basically making a mirror to what you are yourself and saying it to someone else doesn't do you any justice. Second of all, calling (Y/N) ugly? Are you kidding me? Have you seen her face? She's the most beautiful woman on this entire planet and saying that she's ugly is the most bogus thing anyone could ever do. If I hear anymore shit about (Y/N) being bullied, I will personally single you out and throw you out a god damn window. So stay the fuck away from her. Have I made myself clear?!?" He screamed the last part a little louder. Everyone was shocked and slightly terrified by Aomine's sudden outburst. Everyone said yes and hurried to leave, now terribly afraid of him because of the speech he just made.

Soon, it was just the two of us. Just standing in silence with our hands still latched onto the others. I suddenly broke the silence that was lingering between us,



"Oh! You can go first, Aomine-kun." He looked at our hands and started,

"I...meant everything I said. I just want you to know that." He looked away, slightly blushing. Honestly, I couldn't have been more happy at that moment. Someone had finally spoke out for me and got rid of the thing I hated most. It made me fall in love with Aomine. To be honest, I had an interest in him before but thought it was a little fling I had so I buried those feelings. But now those feelings were the only things on my mind. I was so happy I started crying. He noticed that and immediately turned towards me,

"Oi! W-why are you crying?"

"I'm just so happy. Thank you Aomine-kun! I love you so much!" I hugged him but gasped and pulled away once I realized what I said.

"I'm sorry..I-"

"I love you too."

"You what..?"

"I said.." He suddenly got closer to me, his arms around me with his beautiful eyes staring down into mine.

"I said I love you too, (Y/N)." He then gave me a sweet kiss on the lips. This kiss gave me so many feelings I have been deeply longing for. Love, Happiness, Protection. After a little bit, we broke the kiss. Aomine then kissed my temple and intertwined our fingers once more and said,

"Let's go home, (Y/N)." I smiled and happily nodded.


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