{Armin Arlet}

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Title: Let's Dance

Anime: Attack on Titan


You were walking down the hallway of your house when you heard a knock at the door. You smiled immediately and ran to the door as fast as you could, knowing all too well who was waiting on the other side. You swung the door open to meet a pair of bright blue eyes.

"Hello miss. I'm here to spend the night with a '(F/N) (L/N)', do you happen to know where she is?"

You giggled and replied,

"Right this way sir!"

You brought him into the living room before you walked close to him and jumped up. Armin caught you and you wrapped your legs around his waist.

"I missed you so much (Y/N)."

You smiled and kissed him before jumping down and turning on some music on your YouTube that was connected to your TV. The song that played was Exo's Call me baby.

"Let's dance!"

You grabbed his hand and pulled him into the middle of your living room. He laughed and started dancing to the chorus of the song. He sang call me baby and winked at you and you joined, dancing right along with him. The song came to an end and you both collapsed onto the couch. He laid on the couch fully and pulled you down along with him. He sighed happily and planted a kiss onto the top of your head.

"I really love you (Y/N)."

You smiled and replied,

"I love you too."

(Time skip to the morning brought to you by Yamato Kougami)

You woke up and immediately recognized the sheets underneath your skin.

"Mm..how did I.."

You turned and smiled as you seen your lovable boyfriend armin sleeping with his mouth slightly open, one arm draped over your bed and the other hold your hand. You smiled happily and then quickly and quietly got on top of him and straddled him. You then leaned down and whispered,

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty."

His eyes flew open and a blush immediately covered his face and the tips of his ears.

"H-Hey! You know I don't do well with whispers in the morning. It makes me want to do dirty things to you.."

You laughed and rolled off him.

"I'm sorry love. Thanks for carrying me here last night by the way."

He smiled and looked at you.

"Anything for you."

You and Armin both knew it was going to be a great day.

Authors note: THIS WAS SO OOC IM SO SORRY (not really cuz it was cute af)

Author's Note 2: just incase you don't know, exo is a Korean pop group who is so fab and if you don't know them then kkapesong~ this one shot was so cute and short I just KABSKBDIABDIABD ya feel OKAY BYE BYE!

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