{Kyoya Otori}

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Title: It's Okay

Anime: Ouran High School Host Club


(Your PoV)

I was sitting in the Otori Police Barracks with the Ouran High School Host Club at my side. Today was the absolute worst day of my life. Today would continue to replay and replay every time I walked into that god forsaken school. Why? This is why.


A sudden horrific scream suddenly rang out into the boring classroom silence. Chairs could be heard scrapping against the ground as people ran over in curiosity as to why there was an interruption in our classroom.

Lying on the ground, was a girl. It was obvious that she had jumped from the rooftop, and boy was there a lot of blood. The scream had came from a teacher who was walking past the scene. I'm sure she must have been surprised when she looked up and seen someone flying from the sky towards her. The teacher was holding both her hands to her mouth as she sobbed and continued saying,

"Oh God, Oh God!!"

Someone quickly called the police and we were all told to go home. So, I walked towards the main doors to go out of the building. The dignified Host Club was all blocking my way to the double doors. I cleared my throat and said,

"Could you please move? I would like to go home." They all turned to me with questioning eyes. Tamaki, surprisingly, had a very serious look on his face. He said in a hushed manor,

"Do you not see...the identity of the corpse?" He moved over slightly so I could see it. I walked over and started saying,

"No but I don't think it had anything to do with m-" my eyes widened and a loud gasp escaped my lips. There lie my best friend (B/F/N), all covered in blood and dirt. I started hyperventilating and shaking as I stated at my bestfriend's dead, cold body. Kyoya seen this and pulled me into his chest.

"Now, now. We need to figure out what happened. Will you accompany us down to my family's station, (Y/N)?" He smiled slightly at me, perhaps a small gesture of reassurance and peace. I nodded and pushed him away gently in order to wipe my tears. He took my hand and said,

"Let's go."

Now before we continue, let me just make this clear. Kyoya and I are not dating. We have always just been like that. Helping each other out, being by each others side. It was a little weird at first, even the rest of the host club agreed that it was weird that Kyoya acted this way towards me. But every time he did, it made me unconsciously fall in love with him. The way his glasses would glint when someone talked about something that peeked his interest or his black hair that would sometimes cover his eyes, or even his noble strut that would catch my eyes when we walked past each other. It was the settle things that made me fall in love with him.


"The investigators in charge will see you all now." A secretary had said. We all grabbed the small amount of things we had brought with us and made our way to the room.

Inside were two men I knew fairly well. One, was my own flesh and blood, father who was an extremely skilled detective along with another man that was a bit older but looked a lot like Kyoya. It was his father. We sat down infront of them as they began to speak.

"You'll all here today because of the suicide of (B/F/N). We want to ask you guys some questions, because you were the closest people to her, about why she would go as far as to take her own life." I heard that and let out a few sobs. The realization of my best friend being gone had hit me once again. My father spoke up.

"(F/N)..was (B/F/N) bullied?" I looked up at him with sad eyes and nodded quickly.

"S-she..I told her to tell someone about it! This is all my fault if I would've protected her and stopped the bullying..this would've never happened!! I'm such a coward." I grabbed a hand full of my nearly pulled up hair and continued crying. I could feel a hand making circles on my back. Of course I already knew who it was. Mr. Otori commented,

"Now Ms. (L/N), please don't blame yourself. This was her own decision. There is nothing you could've done so please don't blame yourself." After hearing that I started to tear up again. My father told Kyoya to take me outside and calm me down. He nodded and pulled me up by my shoulders and led me outside.


Kyoya and I sat on a bench a little bit away from the police station. My muffled cries made their way onto Kyoya's school blazer. After a moment, I had calmed down and noticed the teary stain I had made. I ran my pointer finger over it and said,

"I'm sorry Kyoya, I didn't mean to.."

"Don't worry about it (F/N), you have every right to make that stain considering what happened. I would like you to know that whatever happens I will make sure the people who made (B/F/N) do what she did, goes away for a very long time." I looked at him in amazement. Upon hearing him say that in such a caring manner, I had the urge to hug him and tell him I loved him. I stared at him as he stared back, contemplating whether it was a good time or not. I unconsciously stood up and pulled him up along with me. He gave me a questioning look but that soon faded whenever I clomped him with the sweetest most intensified hug I had ever given someone. I heard a same gasp come from him but then a calming sigh. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and squeeze me affectionately. I whispered to him,

"Look..um...Kyoya..this might not be the best time to tell you this but I've loved you for a very long time now." I was quite scared after I said that. Mainly because he was absolutely silent. I then pulled away and quickly said,

"I'm sorry I didn't mea-" Before I could continue I was pulled back into his arms, even tighter than before. My eyes widened.


"I love you too. God (F/N) I love you so much. I know I particularly don't express myself well in terms of feelings and emotions but somehow I love you." I smiled and hugged him back. I whispered,

"Thank you."

"Anything for you, Princess."


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