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Title: Haunted House Surprise

Anime: Black Penetration I mean Butler


This is my first yaoi lemon so excuse the shortness and inexperienced writing. ONWARDS!


You didn't understand how the situation got to where it was. One minute you were walking through a haunted house with your sibling, and the next you were being sucked off by a blonde guy you didn't even know.

At first, he came up to you and said,

"Well look at you." You blushed slightly and thought he was talking about your weight. You knew you were slightly bigger than other men but you didn't think he would call you out on it. He took a step closer to you and whispered,

"Come with me." It was like you had no say in the matter, but strangely enough his presence didn't make you want to object in the first place.

The next thing you knew, he had taken you to a secluded room and took your pants off. His hand pulled your dick straight up to his face, which made you embarrassed almost immediately. He started gliding his tongue up and down your length. You moaned slightly and grabbed a hand full of his hair.

"W-who are you?..and why are you doin- nnghh." Before you could continue, he had taken you into his mouth, already deep throating you. You gasped and bucked your hips in response to his sucking. The blondie held your hips down and continued to suck you, harder and faster like he was an expert at it.

It didn't take you that long to cum into his mouth, he was just that good. You watched him lick your cum off the corners of his mouth and smile. He took off his clothes and immediately followed with yours. You got down on all fours and whispered,

"Please.." The man came up from behind you and said,

"Alois. That's the name you're going to moan right now." He then stuck his dick inside your ass. You winced and felt the tears rimming your eyes, after all this was the first time you had ever experienced something like this. He whispered,

"That's it..such a bad boy.." He then thrusted into you like there was no tomorrow. You moaned and grabbed ahold of the chair in front of you.

"A-Alois!" He grunted slightly and picked up the pace upon hearing you moan his name. You panted heavily as he went on, penetrating your back entrance faster and harder. While doing so, he reached his free hand up and squeezed your nipple in between his pointer finger and his thumb. You bit your lip and moaned through your teeth, the ecstasy you were feeling right now was almost unbearable. He said in a conflicted voice,

"I'm going to cum!" And with that, he did. You instantly felt his fluid inside you. It felt amazing and you couldn't deny that whoever he was, he was amazing. He slowly pulled out and panted. You collapsed onto the floor and said,

"Why..." You looked up a few minutes later to see him getting dressed. You said quickly,

"You're just going to leave?" Alois smiled and came closer to you. He French kissed you and whispered,

"This isn't the last you'll see of me. I promise." He then walked out of the isolated room and back into the haunted house. You rested your forehead against the chair in front of you and thought,

"I'll see you again huh?"

A/N: *bows repeatedly and goes into Sakurai mode* I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! It sucks so bad! I'm sorry so so- *slapped*

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