{Rin Matsuoka}

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Title: I Choose You

Anime: Free! Eternal Summer

Rin watched you as you happily talked to Nitori and Momo on the sidelines of the pool. By now, he would've thrown the two first years out the window, but he was next to compete so he had to endure all the pure jealously he was feeling.

Of course he expected all this. You were the most beautiful woman on the entire planet, with your (H/L), (H/C) locks and your intriguing (E/C) eyes, who could stay away? But you were so..so unapproachable. Your presence was very intimidating, (in a good way) and almost any guy would die to have you. Somehow Rin found himself singled out by you and you boldly asked him out infront of the entire school body. He loved you to pieces and seeing someone trying to make advances on you was a big mistake on their part.

He continued watching until Momo did something that absolutely sent him into a whole new level of 'Ready to Kill'. The orange haired male had actually put his arms around your waist and tried to kiss you. Sousuke was sitting beside Rin and was watching the entire thing along with him. He put his hand on rin's shoulder and said,

"Go get her man. You know she's too nice to stop them." Rin nodded and handed Sousuke his towel and was about to go over to the three whenever he heard over the intercom,

"Rin Matsuoka please make your way to your starting position." He tighten the fist that was at his side and murmured,

"Damn it. As soon as I win I'm coming for you (Y/N)."

He got up to the starting point, putting his goggles over his eyes. He looked over to you waving at him with that cute, cheeky smile he fell in love with. He chuckled and waved back until a certain annoying twat came into his view and put his arm around you and waved too. Rin growled at Momo, earning a scared first-year to yelp and slide a little ways away from you. A few seconds after that, the whistle was blown and Rin was in the water.

(Small time skipeu to Rin's victory! Yay!)

Both of Rin's hands smacked onto the pavement, indicating his win. Sousuke helped him out and handed him a towel. He was about to come over to you but you beat him to it, devouring him in a long, bear hug. He smiled and put a hand on your head, bring it closer to him. He pulled you away a little bit so he could give you a long, sweet kiss. He knew the first-years, well actually, everyone was watching so he had to show everyone that you were ultimately his. You pulled away and blushed, saying,

"Rin! We're in public what are you doing?!"

"Showing those first-year flirts where they stand. They were getting too close to you. You know I can't stand that, I don't even like you being in the same room as them." You chuckled upon hearing this and gave him a small peck on the cheek.

"Rin I love only you, no matter how much Momo flirts with me, I'll always choose you. The person whom I always think about first thing in the morning, the person whom I think about lastly at night will always and forever be you." Rin smiled at you once hearing this and gave you another kiss.

"I love you (Y/N)."

"I love you too Rin!"

A/N: THAT WAS SO SHORT AND OMG okay so when I was typing "Sousuke" it changed it to Spaulding and I almost died laughing OKAY BYE BYE!

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