{Naruto Uzumaki}

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Title: The Morning After

Anime: Naruto/Naruto Shippuden

A/N: None of this even makes sense but I tried.


You woke up with your head pounding and a burning/scorching pain on your buttocks and in between your legs. The pain from both your hang over and whatever was going on with your lower area was just too much to handle. You got up and stumbled into the bathroom, taking some aspirins to help with the pain. You walked with your back to your body mirror and pulled your shorts and panties down to see why your ass hurt so much. You screamed once you seen exactly what was going on.

On your ass, was a freshly made tattoo that said,

"Naruto Uzumaki! Believe it!" With a hand print beside it. You had absolutely no freaking idea how this happened and the worst part about it was that it was PERMANENT. UNTIL AND AFTER YOU DIE. The thing was that you didn't even know who this person was. All you could remember was that you went to your friend Ino's party last night and here you are now. You ran into your room and grabbed your phone. Tapping in Ino's number, you jumped up and down impatiently as the phone rang. Suddenly, a groan came from the other side. You figured she probably had an even nastier hang over than you.

"What the hell do you want, (Y/N)?"

"WHAT DO I WANT!? WHO THE FUCK IS NARUTO UZUMAKI AND WHY IS HIS NAME TATTOOED ON MY ASS??!!" You screamed into the phone, not caring whether or not that she had a hang over. She hissed and screamed back,

"SHUT UP!! You're so loud! Listen you probably don't remember anything from last night so I'm just going to have to start from the beginning."

(Flash back~ I've been doing a lot of these lately)

"Alright everyone! The alcohol is in the kitchen I'm going to go grab it!" Ino said to her circle of friends in the living room, including you. You had no desire to go to this party, none at all. You wanted to stay home and watch your favorite anime but this blonde just HAD to have you at her party. You hated it all the more because you had absolutely no idea who any of the people were that you were sitting with. They conversed amongst themselves, not taking a second glance at you. You sighed and sunk deeper into the couch. Suddenly, a chuckle was heard from beside you.

"If you try to bury yourself any deeper in that couch you're gunna fall in!" You turned your head to see a blonde haired-wide smiled weirdo sitting beside you. You admitted, he had some kind of weird charm coming from him but you didn't want to actually engage in conversation.

"Oh..um..yeah..I just don't want to be here.." You said in a quiet voice. He smiled and grabbed a beer.

"Here! It'll make your time here a little more fun!" You hesitated but knew that it would be rude to reject. One cup turned to 10 cups as you were now kissing the blonde you had just met. You broke apart and slurred,

"Now that I...*hic* think about it..your name is what?" He put his forehead to yours and said,

"Um..well..I don't know if you'll remember my name so how about this?" He also slurred a little, grabbing your hand and taking you to a nearby tattoo parlor. The tailor asked what you wanted and the blonde boy said,

"This lady right here wants my signature on her ass cheek!" The tailor looked at you guys weirdly but led you over to a chair. He made him write his signature down on a special paper than pressed it down onto your butt. You giggled and said,

"Ohh paper~ what's going to happen nextttttt?" You felt a faint pain on your butt cheek but in your state, that was the last thing on your mind. After a few hours, it was finished. You looked and somehow successfully read it.

"Naruto...Uzumaki..Believe it.." You smiled and grabbed Naruto's hand. It was 4 am and you realized that now was a good time to go home. You and Naruto laughed about things you regularly wouldn't laugh about, you shared with him things you wouldn't share with random strangers such as himself. Soon enough, you both ended up at your front door. He suddenly said,

"Looook. We are both so drunk right now...but I REALLY like you..I don't even know your name..but I'm about to kiss you okay?" You tipsily nodded and felt his lips connect with yours. He slipped his tongue into your mouth and grinded his body against his, and soon enough he was already naked in your bedroom.

(Back to present)

You gasped as she said you guys had had sex, not only that but he immediately went over to Ino's house that morning and told her what happened in a very guilty manor. You ground your teeth and said,

"Where the hell is this Naruto Uzumaki bitch?" She sighed and said,

"I'll send him over. I think he's crashing on my couch right now." You locked your phone and threw it on your bed. You had gotten a tattoo, had your first kiss, and lost your virginity in ONE NIGHT. You thought to yourself,

"This is it. My life is over."

After a few minutes, your doorbell rang and you angrily walked over to it. You swung it open to see Naruto with the most apologetic look on his face. He shouted,

"I'm really sorry!! I didn't know any of that was going to happen! Really! I mean it's not like I didn't like it it's jus-" "GET IN HERE." You threw him into your house and he landed upside down on the couch. You sat across from him, legs crossed and arms also crossed. You started,

"You gave me a tattoo. You made out with me. You had SEX with me. Then you leave and go tell my best friend all about it? Is my life some kind of joke to you?!" His head was down and soon a tiny guilt wave passed over you as you seen tears fall into his lap. He whispered,

"I'm sorry. This is all my fault. Please I don't expect you to forgive me but I did that last night because I really like you. Your so beautiful and you're not like other girls. Yes we were both drunk but..." You sighed and slowly got up, sitting right beside him. You pulled his head into your chest and gave into this cute blonde who somehow meddled his way into your heart. You said to him in a sweet voice,

"Just don't go doing that to anyone but me." You smiled slightly, trying to make him feel better. He looked up and kissed you passionately. He laughed cutely and smiled,

"Okay!! Yes!!! I'm so happy!! (Y/N) will you be my girlfriend?!" You chuckled and sighed,

"No going back now right? I mean..your name is literally tattooed onto my skin.." He laughed and nodded. He then kissed your cheek as you two laid down on the couch and fell asleep. Even though you were strangers, sometimes situations bring people together in the weirdest ways.

A/N: .....what (OKAY 再见👋

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