{William T. Spears} *HALLOWEEN SPECIAL*

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Title: Alone in the Park

Anime: Do I have to say it we already know..okay I'll say it..My Little Pony

A/N: It's like 2 something am these are gunna be so stupid, just look at what I put the anime as..that's my mind right now here's some T-bone for ya


You sighed as you watched a woman walk through the park by herself. If only she knew she was going to die. You always hated your job, being a reaper, but someone had to do it right? You looked at your watch and seen that it was about time, so you pushed up your glasses and jumped out in front of the lonesome woman.

She gasped and fell back, obviously frightened. She asked,

"W-who are you?" You smiled and replied,

"Don't you worry about me darling. I'm sorry to be the one to inform you of this but you're about to-" "(Y/N) stop." Your voice was cut off by your fellow reaper, William T. Spears, whom you had also formed feelings for over the period of time you had been working with him.

You turned around in confusion and asked,

"What do you mean Will?" He sighed and walked up to you, taking a hold of your data book. He pointed to the girls name and you noticed it wasn't the girl that was in front of you. You furrowed your eyebrows and sighed,

"Oh man..." Will crossed his arms and said,

"You're just like Grell. I always have to keep an eye on you, don't I?" You looked up at him with your (E/C) eyes and suddenly smiled.

"Buttttt you're gunna let me off the hook right?" You smiled brightly at him as you put your hands together as if to beg him. He stared blankly into your eyes for a long minute before sighing in defeat. You yelled in victory and turned around to the woman who was still confused and scared on the ground.

"Lucky you! You aren't going to die tonight! Now leave or I'll give you a reason to want to die." You said as she quickly obeyed and sprinted out of the park. You sat down on the near-by bench and suggested

"Come sit with me." Will stood where he was and shook his head.

"No, (Y/N) I have better things to do." You chuckled under your breath and said once again,

"Come sit with me." This time, something changed his mind because he hesitantly came over and sat beside you. You smiled and sighed happily as you breathed in the chilled night air. You suddenly remembered something and turned to him.

"You know tonight's Halloween? Apparently people dress up because their trying to scare ghosts away and stuff. Isn't that stupid?" Will flicked your forehead and said,

"Stop talking." You pouted and rubbed your forehead.

Silence loomed over you both as you sat beside each other, doing absolutely nothing. William surprisingly interrupted the silence with a question.

"This is weird of me to ask, believe me I'm aware. It's just that..for some strange reason I feel the need to kiss you right now. I don't understand why but I-" You cut him off with doing exactly what he suggested. You placed your lips onto his cold ones in a much deserved kiss. Of course, Will didn't know what to do so he simply stayed seated with his eyes widened slightly.

After a little while, you broke the kiss and sat back down on the bench like you had before. You said quietly,

"I know this is random..and you probably don't feel the same way, but I love you Willy." You looked away from him and blushed slightly. Not long after your confession did you feel a gloved hand find its way on top of yours. You looked at your touching hands and smiled, taking it as a sign of acceptance. You then looked up at Will's face to see him trying to conceal a blush, but obviously that wasn't working for him. You didn't say anything else, you just sat there, with Will, and the burning heat that was radiating from your conjoined hands.

(In the bushes a little ways away from you)

A certain red headed reaper smiled in satisfaction as he watched his co-workers from afar. He turned around to the displeased demon butler he had dragged along and said,

"Look Bassy! My plan worked!" The demon rolled his eyes and said,

"How wonderful. I'll be taking my leave now." The reaper pouted and crossed his arms before unconsciously yelling loudly,

"You're so unfair Bassy!"

Grell watched Sebastian walk away before he suddenly felt a terrifying presence behind him. He looked up to see a pair of glasses gleaming down at him. Grell screamed but unfortunately for him, he didn't get away in time. The last words that attempted to come out of his mouth before he got disciplined was,

"Bassy....my..erecti-" But before he could say it, it was already too late.

A/N: the last words of a dying reaper should always be of a yaoi erection. You'rE WELCOME *FLIES AWAY ON AN EAGLE WHILE SCREAMING MERICA*

P.S. It's getting closer

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