{Murasakibara Atsushi}

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Title: Goodnight

Anime: Kuroko no Basket

A/N: I'm going straight to hell.


Laying in his long arms became a regular thing for you. The warmth he brought to your small fragile body brought you mentally back to life, even on your worst days, in your worst hours. Despite his lazy-carefree attitude, you couldn't help but fall in love with Murasakibara Atsushi all over again.

There you lay on his bed, in his arms, with his Yosen jersey and your favorite pair of purple panties. He always said the same thing when he seen you wear that outfit. He would say,

"Huh? Is (Y/N)-chin trying to tempt me? You look so beautiful." It always gave you butterflies in your stomach, and tonight was no different.

You stared straight into his purple eyes, maybe trying to figure out what was going through his mind while he held you.

"What's wrong (Y/N)-chin? Just staring at you too long makes me hungry." You chuckled as he said this.

"Sorry. I guess I can't get enough of you Mura-kun~" He smiled slightly and pulled your head into his chest.

"I love you (Y/N)-chin." You blushed at his sudden affection of love. It was quite rare for him to come out and say something like that, and since he just did, it made your heart race a mile a minute.

"I-I love you too Sushi-kun." You looked back up at him, closing the gap between your lips. He followed suit, and finally your lips met. The familiar feel of his lips never failed to make you feel a spark of electricity through your body. Although you were oh so familiar with them, they always surprised you.

He pulled away for a second before kissing you once again even harder. Somehow, tonight you felt as though he was wearing his heart on his sleeve, showing you all his love that was usually hidden out of pure embarrassment and laziness. It was different, but you liked it. Finally pulling away, you both lightly panted and hugged each other.

Hugging him was another thing you were familiar with. His bear hugs made you feel like you were the only woman in the world to him, the only one who truly mattered. Whenever you were lonely or depressed, his hugs never failed to desolve the feelings completely.

You both were getting very tired, much to your dismay. You wanted to stay up longer, share your love longer, but knowing that you got to sleep with him at your side buried those feelings for another time.

Atsushi pulled up the covers to your shoulder before giving you a kiss on the forehead and saying,

"Goodnight, (Y/N)-chin."

A/N: I'm laying in my bed rn and thinking about my main bae Sushi-kun so here's a really, REALLY short goodnight one-shot. Honestly, I think I'm not conscious so yeah. I'm sorry I suck major basketballs. Btw, why the fuck am I updating two characters from the same anime after the other? The fuck? When did I start doing this shiet? Why am I still typing? When will my mom buy me a Murasakibara body pillow? Fuck if I know. Goodnight reader-chan~ okay bye bye!  (Gomen for any mistakes)

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