{Midorima Shintaro}

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Title: Princess Shin-chan

Anime: Kuroko no Basket

A/N: don't even ask me what this is


"C'mon shin-chan please!!" You whined as you held up the brand new Elsa costume you had so carefully picked out for your tsundere carrot boyfriend to wear along with your Anna costume. Today the members of the Shutoku basketball team all agreed to go to Disneyland together and to top it all off, you and takao convinced everyone to go as Disney princesses.

"No, I refuse to go in that stupid dress nanodayo." He said as he continued to read a book. You huffed and sat the dress down on the chair next to your bed. You climbed onto the bed where Midorima was sitting and gave him a loving kiss on the cheek. He blushed slightly but tried not to show it. You giggled and this time took his chin into the palm of your hand, forcing him to look at you. Once his eyes were on you, you gave him a passionate kiss on the lips. His face instantly flushed pink and he pushed you away slightly.

"W-what are you doing nanodayo!?!"

"Ehh? I thought shin-chan would wear the costume if I was super sweet to him." You pouted, still very close to his face. He furrowed his brows and hesitantly pecked you on the lips.

"Whatever. I-it's not like I want to do it, I'm just doing it so you don't whine." He said with his arms crossed and his lucky item, a snow globe, at his side.

"Yay! Shintarooo loves me! Shintaroooo loves me!" You sang with happiness.

"Tsk. Don't get to ahead of yourself." He said. You giggled and jumped off the bed, throwing the Elsa costume at him.

"Hurry up and change or we're going to be late!" After saying that, you ran into the bathroom to create the perfect Anna cosplay to go along with the tsundere Elsa you would be with all day.

(Time skip)

You were happily swinging your arms around as you walked up to the entrance to Disneyland with an embarrassed Midorima.

"This is so stupid nanodayo." He commented as he pulled on the blue, slightly too small, dress that uncomfortably resided on his body.

"You said you would do it! No going back! Oh look, there's everyone!" You smiled and waved to the members of Shutoku, who were also dressed up as Disney princesses.

Takao: Jasmine

Miyaji: Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)

Kimurai: Belle

Otsubo: Cinderella

The first once to start laughing once you caught up to them was of course, Takao. He pointed at Midorima's costume and said,

"W-what the heck!! Hahaha wow shin-chan you sure know how to let it go huh!!" That remark made the tsundere extremely angry. Earning takao a large thump on the head. Everyone complimented each others outfits while you paid for your tickets and went inside.

"I think we should split up. Midorima and (L/N) can go off on their own. Miyaji and takao go, and me and Kimurai will go do whatever." Otsubo said. You nodded and happily grabbed Midorima's hand.

"Let's go shin-chan~"

"Fine. It's not l-like I want to go with you." You giggled and hugged his side.

"Stop being such a tsundere and just have fun!" You happily said as you pulled him to the run-away railroad entrance. His face went completely white as he watched the fast train go around the track as you waited. Not noticing this, you happily hummed and anticipated your turn.

Finally the time had arrived. You slid into the seat and waited to Midorima to sit beside you. Once he did, you pulled down the harness and squealed happily.

"This is going to be so fun!! Don't you think so shi-" You were cut off when he intertwined your fingers together and held on for dear life. Your eyes widened and you looked over to see his face full with fear. You gasped and thought to yourself,

"He's afraid of heights.."

You squeezed his hand back and said,

"It'll be okay." He looked straight ahead and soon enough, the train started moving.

(Time skip)

Immediatly after you both got off, Midorima bolted to the nearest trash can and let his stomach yak. He cough and said inbetween gasps,

"Can we..not go on anything like that again nanodayo?!" You sighed and rubbed his back.

"Sorry Shintaro. I had no idea." Using his name like that always told him that you were 100% serious. He sat on the bench beside the trash can and pulled you in for a tight hug. His actions surprised you but you quickly returned his hug.

"I love you Elstaro~" You chimmed happily as you looked over his costume once again. He blushed and looked away,

"Urusai..baka I love you too nanodayo."

For the rest of the day you two spent time together playing games and making memories that you would remember many years down the road.

A/N: THAT WAS SO FORCED AND RUSHED AND SHORT AND IM SICK IM SORRY TODAYS BEEN CRAP FORGIVE ME *cough* the new chapter to my new book is out. It's Trouble: Black Butler Version. *shamelessly self-promotes*....*cough hack*

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