{Levi Ackerman Part 2}

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Title: Hospital

Anime: Attack on Titan

(Btw (Y/C) means Your City)

Warning: Major Levi OOCness and Major Potty mouth up ahead.


(Your PoV)

It had been a week since Levi moved into my room. We only conversed when necessary and honestly I was starting to get annoyed. I knew nothing about the mysterious Levi and was surprisingly intrigued by who he was. Anyways, we were both watching TV, after I had asked him to turn it on. I then asked,

"Can I come sit with you?" He signed.

"Do what you want." I smiled secretly at my clearance. I then, maybe a little too happily, climbed into his bed and covered myself up with his blankets. He pushed the volume button up and said,

"Geez (F/N) just make yourself at fucking home."

"Duh what do you think I'm doing."

"You are such a brat."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not!"

"Are. Too." We growled before softly laughing at eachother. I then grabbed the remote and turned down the volume so the voices on the TV were very faint. He cocked his head to the side (Oh lord) and gave me a confused look as to why I just did that. I spoke softly,

"Let's just tell eachother stuff."

"Like what brat?" He smirked emphasizing the word brat. I glared at him then continued,

"Like, our pasts and shit or what we like and don't like." I silently waited for his reply. He muttered an okay to me. I smiled and sat up so I was looking straight at him.

"Okay! First where are you from?"

"(Y/C)" I gasped.

"No way me too! What were you like as a kid. Omg I bet you were the anti-social nerd weren't yo-"

"I was normal. Stop assuming I was a fucking weirdo you ass." I chuckled and said,

"Okay okay I'm sorry. Then..did you have a childhood friend or crush?"

His eyes flickered at that question.

"Sorry you don't have to answer that."

"No it's okay. I agreed to do this. I had this friend..more like best friend. She and I were always hip and hip. Although I found her quite annoying and rational, I soon figured out that without her I was nothing..but then her parents died and she was moved to some home in the city we're in now." Upon hearing that, I felt jealously bubble inside me. Wait, why the fuck am I jealous? He turned to me, interrupting my thoughts.

"So now it's my turn, Miss (F/N)."


"What's your favorite color?"

"Easy. (F/C). Next."

"How long have you had MM?"

"About 5 years."

"You've been in here..5 years?" I sighed and nodded. He then poked my cheek and then continued.

"When's your birthday?"


"What was your childhood like?"

"Pretty normal I suppose. I had this cute little bestfriend. He would always get annoyed with me but I think he secretly liked me, his scowl was kinda like...."

I widened my eyes upon hearing myself say that and turned to look at Levi who seemed to have already figured it out. Tears were already forming as I took a good look at my newly discovered childhood bestfriend and first love.

"Levi..." I said softly as tears threatened to fall from my eyes. I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him into a hug.  He wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck. I could hear soft muffled cries coming from him as well. I pulled away from him so I could look at his face. Why hadn't I realized it before? I put my hand on his cheek and wiped away his tears. He said,

"I missed you so fucking much (F/N). Whenever I turned 16 and got my license I drove all around this damn city trying to find you..god damn it you worried the fuck out of me I thought I was gunna never see you again." He pulled me into another hug, this one tighter than the last.

"Levi, I'm sorry I worried you."

He shook his head and pulled mine up to be leveled out with his.

"Don't you apologize. You're here infront of me right now. When I started putting the puzzle pieces together, I realized you smelt exactly like her, your hair was that beautiful shade of (H/C) and your (E/C) eyes were still as gorgeous and addictive as they were before. Jesus Christ what the actual fuck are you making me say. Enough of this sappy shit." He said as he laid down on his bed, obviously tired. I watched him for a little bit before trying to get up. A hand grabbed my wrist before I could get up.

"Where the hell do you think your going?"

"To my...bed?"

"No. You're not. I just reconciled with my first and only love you aren't going out of my sight ever again."

I blushed and got back into bed with him, laying down, facing him. He smiled softly and ran a hand down my cheek, admiring my face. He whispered,

"Close your eyes." I obediently closed them and suddenly felt moist lips on my cold ones. I kissed back immediately as he climbed on top of me. I pulled his hips down so we were closer together. The feelings we put into the kiss showed just how much we missed and cared for each other. We both pulled away, panting slightly. Levi looked down at me and put his forehead against mine. He suddenly said,



"For the love of God, I need you in my life. Somehow you got me to fall in love with you all those years ago and got me to fall in love with you all over again. Let's date." I smiled and eagerly nodded. Happy that the one person who brought out the genuine me, was back to stay.

He went to kiss me again when a nurse came in and gasped when seeing out position. She said harshly,

"Mr. Ackerman! Get off of Ms. (L/N) right now!" He sighed and was about to get off but then he stole a quick kiss from my lips. He then chuckled and got off of me. I blushed and shouted,


A/N: ANNNNNDDD ITS OVER! How was it? I really liked the idea and felt like Levi was a good character. Although he was OOC to hell but YOU GUYS REUNITEDDDDDD HOW CUTEEEEEEEEEEE OKAY BYE BYSbn! (Lol wtf)

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