{Shuzo Nijimura} *LEMON*

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Title: Overthinking Things

Anime: Kuroko no Basket


You were getting nervous. Very nervous. Your boyfriend, Nijimura Shuzo had been distant for the last week and you were seriously starting to think it was your fault.

Because of the innocent guilt you felt, even though you had no idea what you had done, you brought yourself to your school gym. You silently watched Nijimura and the rest of his teammates pass and shoot baskets, looking for any sign of anger or discomfort. You froze when someone came behind you and said in a loud, cheery voice,

"Wahhhh!!! (Y/N)cchi is here!!!! Nijimura-senpai look!! It's your girlfriend!" You and Nijimura both seemed to freeze at the same time. He turned around and locked eyes with you, staring at you with an unreadable expression. It was definitely weird. Usually, he was a nice, easy-going person but there was something strange going on. He walked over to you and said,

"(Y/N), can you wait for me after practice please?" Your eyes widened and you started to mentally panic. Was this going to be the break-up speech? You loved him too death, you didn't want this. You hesitantly nodded and turned to walk out, taking all your anxiety with you.

(Time skip to end of practice)

You nervously waited outside the gym door for your boyfriend. The rest of the members left but still no sign of Nijimura. You decided to go and check up on him, worried that something might have happened.

You glanced around the dimly lit court, no one could be seen. You heard a bang in the boys locker room and went there, knowing exactly who it was. You quietly knocked on the door and said,

"Shuzo-kun...are you okay?" You heard a sigh from the other side and a "come in."

Following his instructions, you walked in to see him with only his basketball shorts on. You gasped and turned around.

"I-I'm sorry!" You suddenly felt a presence behind you. You turned around and instantly felt his lips on yours. You were surprised but because of the last weeks lack of affection, you yearned for him. You kissed back, sliding your hands up his chest and around his neck. He grabbed your butt and hoisted you up, making you wrap your legs around his waist. He pushed you up against the lockers and kissed you even more passionately then before.

You pulled away and panted, saying,

"H-hey! W-what's this all of a sudden?" He looked into your eyes with such lust, such desire. He whispered,

"I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I know you must've felt bad they way I've been neglecting you. It's just that I get these thoughts about you. I don't want to rush things and every time I see you, I just feel like I'm going to do something and hurt you." You finally understood why he had been distant, and considering how foolish the reason was, you chuckled.

"Bakamura." Was all you said before you pulled him in for another passionate kiss, giving him a green light to do what he wanted to do.

He glided his tongue across your bottom lip and waited for you to give him access to your cavern, which you humbly accepted.

He started kissing down your neck, roaming his lips over every patch of your delicate skin. He finally found your sweet spot, making you gasp and moan softly. Nijimura found it extremely cute and a major turn-on. You suddenly felt something poking your thigh and blushed, knowing what it was.

Nijimura hurriedly striped your shirt off and took in the sight of your cleavage that was yet to be revealed.

He unclasped your bra and guided it off of your body. He stared at your bare chest, earning a blush from you.

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