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Title: My Halloween Proposal

Anime: Black Bootyler

A/N: how has he not won an Oscar


You smiled as you pulled your boyfriend Finny along to the different houses. Halloween night was your favorite night of the year and it was even better this year, considering you had the cutest boyfriend ever.

You pulled him up to the house and an old couple smiled at you both.

"Awe! A couples costume! Honey remember when we did that?" The old woman said as she dropped two pieces of candy in your bags. The old man chuckled and put his arm around his wife.

"I do, it was a little bit before I proposed to you wasn't it?" He kissed her cheek and smiled. Finny blushed and looked the old man in the eye shyly, as to talk to him telepathically. The old man seemed to have understood him and smiled.

"Well, we don't want to keep you. Have a good night." They said as they turned to a bunch of kids who came up to them. You giggled and entwined your fingers with Finny's. You suddenly said as you walked to the next house,

"Isn't it nice how they got to grow old together and still remembered the time they shared together when they were younger?" Finny smiled nervously,

"Y-yeah! They looked so happy." You stopped and peered into his face curiously.

"Is there something wrong Fin?"

"What?! No! There's nothing wrong with me! C'mon this is the last house before we get back to our place." You both had been dating for a while so you moved into a house together conveniently. You went up to the house and got the desired piece of candy. After you walked a while, you reached your house.

You walked up the porch and opened the door. Finny walked in first, but you noticed his hands shaking and his breathing increasing. You shut the door quickly and sat your stuff down. You ran up to Finny and hugged him from behind, resting your forehead on his back.

"(Y-Y/N)?" He asked you quietly.

"Tell me what's wrong." You said as you ran your arms down his chest and grabbed both his hands instead. He sighed and turned around, still holding your hands. You stared into his blue eyes in curiosity until something even bigger from behind him came into view. You stared at the small box that was propped open on the kitchen table a little ways from you. You gasped and looked back at Finny, who was now on one knee.

"(Y/N) (L/N), somehow I got you to become my girlfriend. Even though I'm not confident or...or manly like other guys..you still excepted me. Our whole relationship is like a wonderful dream, and I don't want to wake up from it any time soon." The tears threatened to spill from your eyes as he stood up and brought his lips closer to yours. He whispered with a slight blush,

"Will you marry me?" You started to cry and kissed him on the lips, as to give him his answer. He kissed back with just as much passion, maybe to show you that he was serious as ever.

He pulled away and put your cheeks in his hands before slowly placing a kiss on your forehead.

Finny then walked over to the table and grabbed the ring from the velvet box. He came over to you and slipped it onto your ring finger. It was a perfect fit. You admired it and looked up at him.

"Thank you Finnian. I love it so much..but I love you even more." Finny smiled brightly and said,

"I love you too (Y/N)."

A/N: *cries in a corner* FINNY YOU'RE SO SMOL

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