{Kageyama Tobio Part 2}

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Title: Liar

Anime: Haikyuu!!


After the last class of the day, You made your way over to the gym. Standing outside you could hear the familiar sound of shoes scoffing off of the floor and the sound of balls being hit and tossed around. You walked in and shouted,

"Hello everyone! I hope we can all get along as teammates!"

The first two people to come running over to you was a really short boy with black hair and a little bit of blonde in the front and an older looking guy with a shaved head. You greeted them again and they kept telling you that you were a goddess and such. You then walked over to the person who looked to be the captain.

"Hi my name is (L/N) (F/N), I'm here to play volleyball with you guys!"

Daichi heard this and walked your way. He couldn't believe his eyes. (F/N) (L/N) was standing in his gym wanting to play volleyball with them.

He nodded and said,

"Alright. Let's get you set up. How about a little two on two Kageyama and Hinata vs Suga and (L/N).

You nodded and dropped your things down by the benches then started stretching. You looked over and seen Kageyama looking at you out of the corner of his eyes. You smiled sweetly then put up your hands as to say, 'let's do our best' ofcourse he tsked and took his place on the court.

You were all in your places. Ukai blowed the whistle and the game started. Hinata got the first serve, slightly hitting it behind Suga. You ran behind him and hit the ball up to were he could hit it. He hit it and then said,

"(F/N)! I'm tossing it!"

You nodded and ran to the net just in time as the ball came into view and you spiked it down quickly. You both shouted excitedly as the two on the opposite team starred at you in disbelief.

(Little time skip to the end of the game)

After a good hour of playing, you finally scored the last point. Resulting in a win for you and a lose for Kageyama. You looked over at him and seen him curse. You then ran over to him and teasingly hugged him from behind.

"Good job Kageyama!"

He had a slight blush on his cheeks as he felt you behind him. He then pushed you off and back away a few steps.

"Yeah well...you got..lucky.."

You laughed and jumped on him once again, this time you were full out hugging him with your legs wrapped around his waist.

"Your so cute Kageyama I could kiss you!"

You and him both gasped slightly and started blushing at the same time. Standing in that same position awkwardly, you heard Hinata yell from the background,

"Woah!! Look at (F/N) and Kageyama!!"

Everyone's attention was now on you. You hurriedly got down and waved your hands as a signal for them to stop. Kageyama was still blushing as he walked past you and into the back room to clean up.

Daichi suddenly announced to you,

"Hey do you mind staying here with Kageyama and help him clean up? The rest of us have our own things to do so.."

"OF COURSE! You can count on me!!"

You watched the rest of the guys leave until it was only you too. You shut the door and then walked back to the supply closet, but as soon as you walked in you were forced against the wall.

"What the.."


"Oh my, looks like Kageyama has fallen in love with me. You know your a bad liar."

"....I know.."

After he said that he brought his face closer to yours then whispered in your ear,

"Remember when you said I was so cute you could kiss me? I'll take up your offer now."

Your eyes slightly widened and then you smiled and pulled down his lips so they connected with yours. You pulled his body closer to yours and kiss after kiss, you guys slowly forgot about the cleaning you were suppose to do.


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