{Yu Nishinoya}

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Title: My Secret Admirer

Anime: Haikyuu!!


"Dearest (Y/N),

I seen you with that new hair pin in your hair yesterday and thought it was the cutest thing. You're truly the most beautiful being on this planet. No! Even outer space beings can't compare to your beauty! I like you so much (Y/N). I just can't come out and say who I am. For now, I'll just stay by your side as your friend. I'll tell you who I am at the right time.


Your Secret Admirer"

Attached to the letter was a cute white teddy bear holding a red heart that said, "I love you!"

For the past month you had been receiving different gifts from this mysterious person and had somehow fallen in love with them. You smiled and grabbed the bear out of your locker and hugged it. Strangely, it smelled quite familiar. Another question, they always said they would (for the time being) stay beside you as your friend..but you honestly couldn't think of anyone close to you who would do something like this.

You shrugged and grabbed the books you needed for your next class, before making your way down the hall.

You slid the door open and seen your best-friend Yu Nishinoya waiting patiently for your arrival. You smiled and waved, walking over to him and plopping down in the seat next to him.

"Ohayo~ (Y/N)-chan!" He smiled as he greeted you. You smiled and grabbed the bear out of your bag.

"Good morning Noya-kun! Guess what?! I got another gift and letter from my secret admirer!" Upon hearing that, Yu smiled brightly and gave you a thumbs up.

"Wah!! That guy is really cool to give you something like that!" He said as he read the letter over you had handed him.

"I know right! I think I'm seriously starting to fall in love with him! I want to know who he is though. I wish he would just come out and say it." You exclaimed as you hugged the bear close to your chest. Unbeknownst to you, Yu was watching you out of the corner of his eye. He smiled and thought,

"Well, if my princess wants it, she shall have it."

(Time skip)

It was the next day and you happily skipped to your locker, anticipating the letter that was most-likely waiting for you there. You swung your locker open and without fail, there it was in all its glory. You squealed and opened it up.

"Dearest (Y/N),

I think I'm ready to reveal myself. I'm really glad you liked the bear I gave you yesterday. I'm pretty nervous writing this right now and I hope that when I confess in person, you accept. I love you very much (Y/N) and I can't wait to say it to you in person. Please meet me up on the rooftop during lunch.


Your Secret Admirer"

You jumped around in pure happiness, not caring about the weird stares shot your way. You were finally going to meet the boy who made your heart feel all warm inside, the boy who stole your heart.

You ran to your classroom, your eyes landing on your best friend. He noticed you and smiled. You ran over to him and hugged him.

"YU HE'S GOING TO MEET ME TODAY I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!" You yelled. He laughed and hugged you back.

"Oh my gosh really? I'm so happy for you! Are you going to accept his feelings?" He waited for your answer with anticipation.

"Of course I am!! I'm in love with him!" You smiled brightly, answering the question.

"That's a relief."


"I-I MEAN THAT BOY WOULD BE RELIEVED TO HEAR THAT IF YOU HAD JUST SAID THAT TO HIM!" He shouted and turned to look out the window. You raised your eyebrows and giggled before putting away the letter, and impatiently started to wait for lunch break to come.

(Lunch time!)

You practically bursted out into a full sprint until you were standing in front of the rooftop door. You suddenly felt a wave of nervousness. Bu-dump. Bu-dump. Your heart rate quicken by the second as you reached out and nervously opened the door.

You walked through the threshold and look in front of you, scanning your eyes around you seen that no one was there. You tilted your head in confusion before your eye-sight was covered by two hands.

"A-Ano...who are you?" You asked quietly.

"Who do you thing (Y/N)-chan?" He whispered. You gasped and quickly turned around. You had never suspected that it was the person that was closest to you all along. AND TO THINK YOU HAD TOLD HIM EVERYTHING, ABOUT HOW YOU FELT TOWARDS HIM, HOW YOU FELL IN LOVE WITH HIM. You smiled with tears in your eyes, suddenly hugging him, making him fall to the ground with you ontop of him.

"Bakanoya!! I've always loved you!! How dare you deceive me like this!!" You yelled as you cried into his chest, lightly punching him. You heard him chuckled and pull your face up so he could stare into your eyes.

"I'm sorry (Y/N)-chan. I was so nervous and scared to just come out and say I loved you, so I decided if I just gave you notes and presents I would get the point across. You're more thick-headed than you look (Y/N)-ch-"

"MEANIE!" You yelled as you sealed his lips with your own. He smiled into the kiss and kissed back even harder. He guided his tongue across your bottom lip, asking for entrance. You accepted and felt his wet muscle enter your cavern in a quick second. You two swirled your tongues together, wanting to know every corner of each other.

After a long battle, oxygen was certainly needed as you two broke apart and started lightly panting. Yu pulled you closer to him and kissed your forehead.

"I love you (Y/N)-chan. Will you accept my feelings and be my girlfriend?" You smiled and looked up at him.

"Of course I will you idiot."

A/N: AAHHHH I HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROOWWWWW Yeah sorry for the legit slow as updates. I've been trying to relax as much as possible up until this moment so like two minutes ago I was like fuck it lets write something. So here you go. Next up with be a Nijimura x reader lemon! WOOO lemmmonnnaaddeeee! Yoloooooooooo OKAY BYE BYE!

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