{Syo Kurusu}

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Title: Peanut Butter Problems

Anime: Uta no Prince~Sama

A/N: Here is the the smol singer syo. (In this one-shot, you're both in college and live together)


You gasped and sat up, breathing in air like it had been previously cut off from you. Of course, that wasn't the case. You had had a nightmare and it was a simulation of your worst fear. (A/N: for me, that would be killer whales -_-)

After taking a few minutes to calm down, you looked over at the other side of the bed to see that your blonde haired lover was absent from his place beside you. You scratched your head and furrowed your eyebrows, saying,

"Where did he go? It's only 3 am.." You sighed and grabbed Syo's shirt that had been previously residing on the floor, because well..you know why. You slipped on the panties that had been whipped across the room and walked out of your bedroom. You were a woman on a mission: Locate Syo and drag him back to bed so you can get more sleep. You nodded once the idea was locked into your head and made your way down the hall.

"Syo? Where are you?" You called as you looked through all the rooms in your shared apartment. The bathroom, laundry room, and even the living room but still no Syo. Sighing to yourself, you thoughtlessly walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water from the fridge. You opened it up and leaned up against the counter, taking a big gulp and still trying to figure out where he could've gone.

You sighed once again and took a step forward. You screamed and looked down when you stepped on something large and breathing. When you looked down, you sighed in temporary relief at the sight. But when you analyzed what you were looking at, you were quite baffled.

There laid Syo, in his underwear, tears streaming down his face, and a jar of peanut butter in his arms. He was cradling it like it was his new born son.

"First of all, why are you crying with a jar of peanut butter in your arms?" He looked up at you and jumped up, instantly clinging onto you with such desperation.

"(Y/N) please..*sniff*...help me..I've been trying to get this open for the last hour but it just won't open..and..I got so frustrated I started crying and then I got tired and I just.." His words were slurred by his reappearing tears as he looked back down at the peanut butter. You smiled at how innocent and cute he was being. You took the jar from him and set it on the counter. You turned back to him and opened up your arms, motioning him to let you hold him. He sniffed and sheepishly hugged you, nuzzling his head into your chest and listening to your heart beat all at once. You smiled and hugged him with every muscle in you, rocking him back and forth in some hope to make him feel better.

After a good ten minutes of silenced comfort, Syo pulled away and said,

"Will you open it now (Y/N)? I'm really hungry.." You smiled and took his face into your hands, giving him a sweet peck on the cheek.

"Of course love." You said as you grabbed the jar and easily opened it for him. He smiled and got out some crackers for the both of you to put your peanut butter on.

You smiled as you watched Syo eat his snack in delight and suddenly got an idea. You smeared peanut butter over your lips and said loudly,

"SYO!" He whipped his head towards you in panic and as soon as he faced you, you smacked your peanut butter-covered lips onto his. His eyes widened and soon you felt his hand slip behind your head and pull you closer to him.

He smiled into the kiss and licked the creamy treat off of your lips. You pulled away and looked into his eyes, suddenly bursting out laughing with him laughing right along with you.

Together, you both continued to eat your little snacks and do ridiculously stupid things all night, clearly enjoying each other's company. Sure it might've not been the most ideal relationship, but it was your unique relationship and neither you nor Syo would have it any other way.

A/N: Today's update was a little short but I have some requests and their going to be way longer so please look forward to them..yeah I don't even know if this made sense...gomen..Happy Birthday somebody!

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