{Alphonse Elric}

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Title: Once Again

Anime: Full-Metal Dick-I mean Alchemist


You smiled as you watched your husband, Alphonse, chase around your four year old son in the front yard of your home. You had been through thick and thin with your blonde lover and even after those nasty obstacles you still held the love for each other that met no end. You giggled but your face quickly turned 180 degrees when you felt a churning sickness brewing in your stomach. You dashed to the toilet and ended up barely making it. You held your hair behind your head as much as you were able to while you let all the poisons out. Suddenly, while you were coughing, a small voice rung throughout the small room.

"Mommy? Are you okay?" Your son, Levi, (A/N: Smol) asked in his usually sweet tone. You wiped your mouth on a towel beside the toilet and nodded, taking him into your arms.

"Yes honey, mommy just got a little sick." He thought hard and said,

"Mommy! My friend told me that when his mommy was sick it was because she knew that the birdie was coming to bring her a baby. Is a birdie going to bring us a baby?" You choked on your own saliva upon hearing that. Someone else gasped at the same time and you looked up to see your husband looking down at you with wide eyes. Al said,

"(Y/N)...are you?" You looked down at your stomach and thought about the last time you two had had sex.

"A week ago...and I haven't had my period in about a mouth..."

You looked up at him and gave him Levi.

"Get out." You said before you slammed the door on their faces and pulled out a spare pregnancy test from a random location.

(A/N: *whips it out of my pocket* Here you go! *disappears back into narnia closet*)

You took the necessary instructions on the back of the box and waited for the lines to come up.




Your eyes widened. Suddenly the pain from your previous pregnancy resurfaced in your mind and you got a little angry. Al didn't even BEGIN to understand the amount of pain you had to go through when you were pregnant and you were sure that this time was going to be no different. You swung the door open and marched right up to Al who was standing in the living room. You pointed at him accusingly.

"You're taking full responsibility for this!!!!" You said angrily as you pointed to your stomach. He seemed to have caught on to your gestures and smiled, quickly pulling you in for a hug and twirling you around. You couldn't help but start smiling and laughing too, knowing that another child was coming into the family. Al put you down but then put his forehead to yours and whispered,

"We're gunna be parents again, (Y/N)..isn't that exciting? I can't wait." You scoffed and retorted,

"Yeah exciting for you, you don't have to scream and push your guts out for fourteen hours." He chuckled guiltily and rubbed the back of his neck. You both stopped what you were doing when Levi said to you,

"So babies don't come from a birdie? If they don't..then where do babies come from?" You snorted and patted Alphonse on the back, before leaving to tell all your friends that you were once again expecting.

"Good luck Alphonse."

A/N: Short one-shot. Smol one-shot. Bye. Requested by @KawaiiMegami (I think it won't let me mention you so I hope you read this cuz thiS ONES FOR YOUUUUUUU) Omg guys next one shot is gunna be the 100th!!! I'm gunna write it tonight please anticipate it it's gunna be the best yet!

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