{Ciel Phantomhive Part 1}

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Title: Whoops

Anime: Black Butler

A/N: Man this one's going to be great. (Can't you just feel the sarcasm seeping into your bones)


You walked out of the loud facility with your hair completely out of place and your clothes disoriented. Your friend had originally brought you to the bar in hopes of a nice, relaxed evening. Yeah, clearly that wasn't the case. It started out smooth but soon enough you found yourself grinding up against a man you had never met, and even worse, a huge dosage of alcohol coursing through your veins.

Along the way, you lost your friend in the crowd. Totally forgetting about her, you went your own way and did your own thing but after a while, when the alcohol started getting to your head, the only thing on your mind was getting all the loud noise away from you.

You looked around the parking lot, squinting your eyes, trying to find your friends car. Your eyes caught sight of the same color car she had and smiled. You walked over to it and scratched your head,

"Is this where we parked? Probably..she wouldn't mind if I laid down for a little bit." Much to your advantage, the door was unlocked. You climbed into the backseat and closed the door behind you.

You laid down and snuggled into the leather seats. With your eyes closed you said,

"Mmmm...(F/N)...when did you get these nice seats..." Upon saying that, your body grew heavier and heavier until you fell into a very, very deep sleep.

(Time skip)

You slowly gained consciousness and sat up to look out the window. Your eyes widened when you observed the unfamiliar passing scenery and that wasn't the only reason you were flabbergasted. You realized that the car you were in, clearly wasn't your friends car at all. You sneakily looked at the person occupying the front seat to see a man around your age, with blackish bluish hair and piercing blue eyes. His features clearly screamed "I'm attractive and you know it" and that caused you to instantly blush. You quietly sunk down onto the backseat floor, trying to figure out what to do.

"Okay 1: I could wait until he pulls over and then jump out and run away. 2: I could wait until we stop at a red light and punch him. 3: Or I could just calmly tell him that I fell asleep in the back of his car and ask him to take me to the nearest gas station." You thought to yourself. Little did you know in all that thinking, that the man was watching you in slight horror and confusing from the front seat. He cleared his throat and said,

"Um..what do you think you're doing in my car?"

You had a mini heart-attack and you tried to stand up, but that caused you to hit the ceiling of the vehicle and fall back onto the backseat. You were frozen as you stared into his blue eyes. He was waiting for an answer and you weren't ready to give him one. He sighed and said,

"Alright you're clearly not sober and probably can't get home on your own. My name is Ciel Phantomhive. I'm going to take you to my place so you can sober up and hopefully get better enough to talk to me..alright?"

You hesitated but slowly nodded. He turned around and started driving down the road once again.

"We'll be there in about 5 minutes."

Like the man who called himself Ciel said, five minutes was all it took to arrive at a huge mansion in the outskirts of town. You got out and stared in awe at the huge building before you. You asked in a quiet voice,

"You..live here?"

"Yep. My family owns a popular toy company." You smiled for a second then immediately returned to your original state of awe and confusion.

"Let's go inside, shall we?" Ciel asked as he held his hand out for you to take. You grabbed it and followed him in, anxiously anticipating what was in store for you.

A/N: Going to make this two parts cause I'm a lazy old geezer. *gasp* what's going to happen?! Wow I actually updated! What is happening?!????!! Idek gooD BYE.

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