{Jean Kirstein}

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Title: Lovetime Carwash

Anime: Attack on Titan

A/N: ʕʔ


(Your PoV)

I woke up to someone giving me butterfly kisses on my bare shoulder. I smiled and turned over to see my handsome fiancé, Jean. He kissed my shoulder and said in his husky voice,

"Morning babe." I turned over to face him, not failing to notice that we were both naked. I pulled up the covers and looked at his body, trailing my fingers down his abs. He smirked and pulled me closer to him.

"You're such a pervert (Y/N)...are you trying to tempt me?" I tched with a smiled on my face and got out of bed. Jean took the opportunity to slap me right on the ass. I gasped and looked back to him. He was sitting there with his arm propping up his head, staring at my body. I threw his boxers at him, saying,

"Who's the pervert?!" I put my panties on and pulled his shirt over my head. I heard him chuckle as I walked out of our room and into the kitchen.

While I was cooking us some breakfast, I felt a broad chest against my back and arms around my waist. I smiled and finished cooking, setting the food on the table. Jean smiled while he sat down and looked at his food. I was walking behind him when he looked at me, puckering his lips. I walked closer to him as to give him a kiss, but right when our lips were about to touch, I kept walking, swaying my hips and I sat down across from him. He scoffed and glared at me playfully.

"Such a tease."

"Yeah well that's what you get for making me barely able to walk today." I spat and ate my meal. I knew he was smirking as he was eating, probably remembering last night's events.

After we ate and cleaned up, Jean moved to the living room and I went back into our bedroom. I put on my (F/C) bikini and slipped his t-shirt back over me to cover it. I walked out to the living room and said,

"I'm going to go wash the car out in the driveway." He nodded and out of the corner of his eye watched me walk out the door.

Once I was out there, I got out the hose and soap and began to wipe down the car with soap. Little did I know that Jean was watching me from the living room window, ideas flowing through his mind like a hurricane.

After I covered the car with soap, I turned the hose on and began to hose it off. I was only about 1/4 done, whenever coldness covered my entire body. I screamed and looked over to see Jean holding a hose in one hand, his other hand over his exposed chest as he laughed like there was no tomorrow. I growled and said in a quiet voice,

"So that's how you wanna do it, eh? Guess what bitch two can play at that game." As he was distracted, I turned the hose onto 'full blast' and shot it right in his face. Resulting in him slipping and falling onto the grass. I laughed at him but soon in turned into a full out hose-war.

We continued to spray each other until I finally screamed,

"OKAY OKAY YOU WON!!! STOP IT!!" We both panted as we drew closer to each other. We stared at each other before bursting out laughing. Jean came closer to me and hoisted me up, making me wrap my legs around his waist. He whispered,

"I love you so god damn much (Y/N). By the way, you look so hot in that bikini." I blushed and hid my face in his shoulder.

"I-idiot. Don't say stuff like that so suddenly..."

"Ehh? But it's the truth!" He kissed my cheek and laid us down on the grass. We both looked up at the clouds together, smiling like idiots. I held up my left hand, looking at the glittering ring that claimed my ring finger. He smiled at my action and held up his too. He said in a sweet voice,

"Soon we're going to be husband and wife (Y/N). I'm so excited." I nodded and cuddled up to him.

"Me too. Although once we're married let's wait a little bit before we have kids. I want to enjoy our married life ya know?" He turned towards me with his mouth ajar and a sad yet sarcastic look on his face.

"(Y/N)! How am I suppose to keep my hands off you!! You're so cute and beautiful and I want to show you how much I love you~" I blushed and ran towards the house in embarrassment. Jean laughed at this and ran after me, knowing that my embarrassment was just another thing he loved about me.


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