{Kaneki Ken}

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What makes a person?

Is it their imperfections?

Their feelings?

Perhaps those two are the same thing.

They want what they can't have, and will do anything to get it.

People cannot help but to be selfish. Selfishness is what makes us human.


"Mrs. Himiko was a wonderful mother, daughter, and teacher to many. She was so devoted to her class..." The principal went on as he started his speech at Mrs. Himiko's memorial service at school. You, along with your class, sat on the gym bleachers as you went through her service. Everyone around you was crying or holding back tears. You looked at each and every one of them with a straight face, not feeling one ounce of sadness.

"Aren't you sad that she's gone, (Y/N)?" A girl near you asked.

"I'm not as selfish as the rest of you." You stated as you stared into her eyes. She furrowed her brows and sniffed.

"What? If anyone is selfish, it's you! You don't care about anyone but yourself!" She shouted as tears spilled from her eyes.

"Why are you crying?" You asked her.

"B-because Mrs. Himiko is gone." She reluctantly answered.

"You're sad because she won't be here with you anymore. You don't seem to consider the fact that she wasn't just your teacher, she had her own life, and it didn't revolve around you. " You spat out before getting up and making your way to the exit. The girls face left in complete shock at your words.

As you left the gymnasium, a hand latched onto your wrist.

"If you're here to lecture me on what I said, don't think-" You went to continue as you looked at her, but stopped when it wasn't who you thought it was.

Ah yes, the only other person who wasn't crying at the memorial service, and had grabbed onto you was none other than Kaneki Ken.

"You're right." He said as he looked at you. You glanced at your hand, which he soon let go of, and took a step closer to you.

"What good does it do...having feelings? You'll only get hurt in the end." You said as you looked back at the door you walked out of.

"Feelings are what stop the world from truly changing. Selfishness especially. If there were more people like you and I, perhaps this world would be a better place." Kaneki said as he gently took your hand once again. You looked down at your hands and went to pull away, when you felt a pinch in your neck, making your world go dark and your consciousness to slip.



You could hear tiny bits of words as you slowly gained consciousness. It took you a minute before you realized what was going on.

"The hell?" You exclaimed as the tight chains around your wrists constricted you every move.

"Good morning, (Y/N)." Kaneki's voice rung out as he came into view. He had an odd grin on his face, one you've never seen from him before.

"Let me go this instant." You said in a monotone voice.

"You aren't scared?" Kaneki asked as he tilted his head, his beautiful white hairs following his moves.

"No, I'm not. Whatever you're trying to do, it won't work." You stated as you relaxed your muscles, feeling the chains loosen around your wrists.

"Oh, but it will. You see, you think exactly like I do. No feelings, no problem. That's why you and I are going to create the world anew. Our world will be emotionless and perfect. With you by my side, I will go down in history as the greatest ruler to ever reign." Kaneki said as his psychosis started to show more and more.

"You can't create a perfect world when the world is already so tainted." You said quietly. Kaneki suddenly frowned and rushed up to you, forcing a kiss on you. You pulled against your restraints as your muffled protests were shushed by his lips. You stared at him as he stared back, his eyes showing control, fearlessness, and most of all, insanity.

He pulled back and wiped the saliva off his chin, a grin plastered on his face.

"You're insane." You yelled as you gasped for air. Kaneki suddenly looked at you, curiosity filling his mind.

"Is that...panic I hear in your voice, (Y/N)?" He asked.

"I have feelings and so do you. We've suppressed them and this is the result of it! Don't you see? Because we wanted to protect ourselves, we pushed away the feelings that could've set us free!" You said quickly, hoping to reach into his heart and find the kind boy he used to be.

"Oh no no no (Y/N), you can't fool me~" He said as he walked over to a table, taking out a knife from a drawer. Even more panic washed over you as you tried to get the chains off of you.

"Why are you resisting me? I only wish to be with you." Kaneki said as he walked closer to you, the knife swaying in his hand. You subconsciously focused on the chains, you hand slowly slipping through it. You stared at him, more so the knife, and tried to get him to come closer to you.

"Maybe...maybe you're right. Maybe what we need is to start again and take charge of the future." You said as you watched him nod in approval.

"I'm glad you're starting to see things my way." He said as he took a step closer to you. You bit the inside of you lip as you looked at him.

"Kaneki won't you...kiss me again?" You asked in a sweet voice. A grin spread across Kaneki's face as he bent down. He pressed his lips against yours, slipping his tongue into your mouth. You groaned, not because of the kiss, but because of the pain the chain was inflicting on your hand as you slipped out of it. You continued to kiss him, not letting him put back, as you quickly grabbed the knife from his grasp and stabbed him in the neck. His eyes widened as he held the area around his neck, blood tainting his body.

"No...how could you..." Kaneki said slowly as he crumpled to the floor. You paid him no attention as you undid your restraints, quickly running out of the room you were.

You looked outside and seen you were in fact still in the school. You ran down to where the memorial service was still going on. So many things were going through your mind right now, but at the same time, you couldn't express anything. You walked over to where you were sitting before, and stared at the person who was talking into the microphone.

And all at once, a tear dropped from your eye. Followed by one after the other, until your uncontrollable sobs caught the attention of the girl whom was crying earlier. She silently came over and sat beside you, resting her arm around your shoulder as to comfort you. You continued to cry as you leaned into her.

"Let it all out, you've waited so long to do so." She said as she patted your shoulder.

"After all, once we start our new world, your feelings will be irrelevant." She said, her grip slowly getting tighter. Your eyes widened and you looked up at her to see that it hadn't been the girl who was comforting you, but Kaneki all along.


I'm back for good

Also would it be appropriate + would you want, for me to start putting MM one-shots as well? I'm on Day 3 of V's route and I'm getting back into the swing of things. I want to write one-shots for all of them, and thought this would be a great play. Even if MM isn't an anime. Thoughts?

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