{Ciel Phantomhive Part 2}

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Title: Stay With Me

Anime: Black Butler

A/N: Writing this at a funeral home...this is dedicated to @ShadowAlchemistLenka who has been anticipating this xD sorry it took so long!

(Slight lime at the end I mean VERY little amount but FYI)


You walked into Ciel Phantomhive's home to be greeted by multiple maids and butlers. You tried to smile but immediately you felt dizzy with your vision blurring. You could feel yourself falling and the ground getting closer but before you could make impact, Ciel quickly caught you and said,

"Okay miss drunk, let's get you to a room." He picked you up bridal style and started walking up the stairs. He called out to his one butler,

"Sebastian, prepare some water and pills for her when she wakes up. For now I'll look after her so don't disturb us." He continued walking up the stairs while looking into your snoozing face.

"How lucky am I? Finding a beautiful woman in the back seat of my car..is this fate?" He chuckled and opened the door to his room. Quickly setting you down, he took your heels off and tucked you in. He was about to leave the room but a hand caught his wrist. Your hand to be specific. You opened your eyes slightly and said in a small voice,

"P-please...stay with me..." Ciel smiled and blushed happily. He took off his jacket and shoes then got in beside you. Although you were a complete stranger, and Ciel wouldn't normally do this, he felt as though you were no stranger at all and that he could trust you.

Once you felt his warmth beside you, you snuggled up to him and wrapped your arms around his torso. He smiled and buried his nose into your hair. You smiled and closed your eyes with the amazing smell of the handsome man lingering in your nose.

(Time skip)

The strong mixed smell of man and coffee filled your nose as you slowly regained consciousness. Your eyes slowly opened to meet the gaze of a strange man you thought you had never met.

You bolted up and away from him.

"W-who are you?! Why are you in my house?!" He raised an eyebrow and handed you a glass of water, which you hesitantly took.

"Your house? Last time I checked, this was my residence."

You looked around and realized he was right. You blushed and sat back on the bed.

"What...happened last night?"

He smiled slightly and started to explain,

(Another time skip cuz I'm lazy)

You sat there, astonished by your actions.

"I am..so sorry. If there's any way...," you blushed harder and continued,
"I could repay you..."

Ciel smiled and walked over to sit beside you. You took that time to stare and admire his godly face.

He inched closer to you and soon enough he had connected his lips to yours. You closed your eyes and kissed him back. You couldn't deny you wanted him just as much as he wanted you.

He broke away slightly, still close enough to touch foreheads.

"I don't think I can let you go home tonight." He said in a voice dripping with sexual desires and lust. You stared at him and boldly pushed him down on the bed, straddling him in the process.

"I didn't say I wanted to."

A/N: Writing an almost lemon at a funeral home..good job me..

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