{Levi Ackerman}

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Title: Missing

Anime: Attack on Titan

A/N: Prepare to shrivel up and die cuz this gets emotional. Btw your sons name is Farlan.


You sat down with your husband, Levi, to watch a movie he had promised to watch with you. He turned to you, kissed the side of your head and pulled you close to him. He asked quietly,

"Is Farlan asleep?"

"Yes sir." You smiled thinking about your sleeping 6 year old son, whom you loved to the moon and back. You and Levi got married 8 years ago and two years later found out you were pregnant. You had a beautiful baby boy 9 months later and decided that Farlan was a great name. You smiled at the memory and then suddenly climbed on top of levi and straddled him. He smiled slightly and put his hands on your hips. You bent down to kiss him but he put a finger in between your lips and his. He said,

"The movie, (Y/N)." You pouted And crossed your arms as you slumped beside him.

"Tch. Hurry up and kiss me so we can watch this damn movie." Your frown turned upside down as you gave him a kiss.

"Love you Levi!"

"Yeah yeah love you too." You giggled as you cuddled next to him and watched your movie.

(Time skip to the next day, around 3 pm)

You looked at the clock on your phone and seen it was 3 pm. You turned to your husband who was doing paperwork as usual. You secretly walked up from behind him and slid your arms around him, hugging him from behind.

"Levi~" he grunted slightly in response. You smiled and said,

"Let's go pick up Farlan from school!" You ran out of the house not waiting for his answer, you then yelled from outside,

"Your driving!!" Levi chuckled at your hyper behavior, loving every single minute with you.

(Another time skip to Farlan's school)

You pulled up with a smile but that smile suddenly turned to fear as police cars surrounded the school building. You looked at Levi in utter horror but he was already halfway out the door. You hurriedly got out and ran over to your son's teacher who had dried tears stains down her cheeks. She noticed you guys running over to her and her face went absolutely white. You and Levi got even more panicky as too her sudden expression change. You ran up to her and said,

"What happened? Where's Farlan?!" She started crying again and shook her head. She said,

"H-he went missing. W-we were out for recess a-and he just vanished. I'm so so sorry Mr. And Mrs. Ackerman he was under my watch and I let this horrible thing happen to him!! I'm really so-"

"Please calm down, it's okay we'll find him." You walked away from her and talked to one of the police officers for more information. He told you exactly what the teacher had told you. With many protests, you left the scene and headed home.

Once you got home, you both were completely silent. The heartbreak was just to much to handle. Levi walked over to you and gave you a loving hug. He whispered,

"It's okay, (Y/N). We're going to find him." Upon hearing those words, you burst out crying. Surprisingly, Levi started crying as well. The pain was simply unbearable. Was Farlan okay? Was he even alive? Was he thinking of you guys who were sitting at home worrying about him? Those questions continued to swirl in your mind as you and Levi both headed upstairs. Let's just say that night, not a lot of sleeping occurred .

(Time skip to a week after the incident)

The sunlight shined into your eyes as you awoke. Turning to see Levi asleep, you smiled and kissed him on the forehead. You then yawned and got out of bed. You stretched as you walked into Farlan's room.

"Farlan honey time to get...." You stopped mid-sentence remembering everything that had happened. Tears started flowing down your cheeks for the millionth time as you sat on his bed, holding his favorite stuffed animal, and fell asleep. Feeling as though he was with you, although you clearly knew that he was not.

(Time skip to 12 years later)

It had been 12 years. 12 very long, painful years since your baby Farlan had been missing. You and Levi made it through this tough time, never giving up on trying to find him. With eachothers support, you made it out okay. Broken, but okay. You and Levi were silently eating your dinner one night, when the door bell was suddenly rung. You said,

"Coming." You swung it open to see a short teenage boy, with black hair and (E/C) eyes. Your heart skipped a beat as he said,


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