{Part 2 of Missing Levi x Reader}

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Title: Reincarnation

Anime: Attack on Titan

A/N: Someone asked for a part two so here you go! In this one, you, Farlan's mom, gets reincarnated into Farlan's daughter (IM SUCH A BAD PERSON KEKEKEKEKE) and this time you're 16 and you guys are gunna be so shocked I have so many things in store my fangirl levels are through the roof you'll understand soon enough~~


Farlan always knew. Every time he looked at you, he was looking back at his mother. Of course, since you looked exactly like her he had to name you (Y/N). He always had felt like he was talking to his mother, hugging his mother, looking at his mother when in fact she had been dead for a long while. He knew this wasn't a coincidence. He knew it was you.

You got home from school and sighed. Your dad walked up to you and asked,

"What's wrong dear?" You looked at him and grabbed your book bag. "So I have this English project where I have to write about someone I admire, and you always said how grandma was an amazing person so I thought I would write about her. But I just don't know what to write. I barely knew her." He turned his head away and murmured,

"You should know better than anyone you are her.." You tilted your head. "What dad?" He froze and turned around with a guilty face.

"N-nothing!! Heh..anyway about your grandma!" He started says how she was so beautiful, with the same (E/C) eyes and flowing (H/C) hair. He talked about her booming personality, which brought him to the topic of your grandfather. His name was Levi and he was the handsomest man your father had ever seen, who also loved your grandmother so much he would've done anything for her. He loved her with everything he ever had. You jotted these notes down and quickly ran up to your room to try and come up with a good report that captured everything there was to know about your wonderful grandmother.

(Time Skip to you at school the next day)

You walked in to see all the 2nd years that you called your classmates. You sat down in your seat and stared at the report you had worked so hardly on the previous night. For some odd reason, the facts about your grandmother were quite easy to write so you were able to write a lot.

The bell rang and everyone shuffled to their seats. Your English teacher walked in a little bit afterwards and cleared his throat.

"Students, before we get started today I would like to introduce you to a new student who is now your fellow classmate."


Your eyes widened as he walked in the room. He was absolutely gorgeous. Black hair with a neat undercut, grey eyes that pierced your soul, and a strangely familiar feel of him in general. He put his hands in his front pockets and said bluntly,

"Levi." The teacher nodded.

"You can go sit by (Y/N). (Y/N) please raise your hand." Your heart beat went up 100x as you hesitantly raised your hand. Levi walked up to you and took the seat next to you. As soon as he sat down, his eyes were on you. You looked back at him and something in your heart and mind just clicked. It was like a key to a lock you had been yearning and searching for for a very long time.

He took out a piece of paper and scribbled something down. He tossed it in your desk as students started to read their essay's from the previous day. It read,

'Have I met you before?' You furrowed your eyebrows and secretly scribbled back.

'I don't think so. Believe me I would remember a face like yours.'

'What's that suppost to mean?'

'I'm saying you're handsome.'

'Tsk. Thank you. You're pretty cute yourself. Enough sappy shi-' As he was writing his last reply, it was so rudely ripped out of his hand. He shot a glare at the person who took it out of his hand.

"Sending notes in class already are we?" Sensei took the note and decided to read it out loud to everyone. You were an absolute mess, blushing mess that is. Levi had a tint of pink across his cheeks as the teacher said,

"Thank you. You're pretty cute yourself." He stopped there as the whole class was in a fit of laughter. Your teacher threw the paper away and said,

"Since you both are so friendly, how about you get to know each other even more by staying after school and cleaning the whole classroom." He said as he gave you a big fake smile and returned to the front of the board.

By the end of class, you had read your essay to everyone, and you had to say the feedback was amazing. Seems like all that hard-work had paid off. You smiled as you heard the bell ring. You were about to go to lunch when a hand grabbed the back of your arm.

"(Y/N) don't forget about after school. I don't want to do all this shitty work by myself." You nodded and headed to your food paradise.

(Time skip..AGAIN..to after school)

You slid the door open to see Levi scrubbing the windows harshly.

"You're quite the clean freak aren't you?"

"Tsk. If I wasn't who's gunna clean this shit the right way?" You laughed and grabbed a sponge.

"I may not look it, but I'm a pretty efficient cleaner myself!" He glanced at you once before a slight blush once again came intact with his face.

You guys cleaned like there was no tomorrow. Once you were done Levi spoke suddenly and said,

"Oi! Let me walk you home. Who knows what kind of filthy shits are out at this time of night." You responded,

"Hai hai!" You smiled and took his hand, pulling him behind you. At first, while you were walking, it seems he was a little hesitant to hold your hand but as you walked a little longer you felt his finger intertwine with yours. You blushed and slightly squeezed his hand as you turned the corner of the street you lived on.

You seen the porch light to your house still on and your father sitting on the steps with a murderous look. You groaned and stopped walking before you could be in your father's sight.

"Crap..I'm so dead.." Levi seen the situation and started walking towards your father, hands still intertwined. You pulled back on his arm and whisper yelled,

"What do you think you're doing?! If my father finds out I was out this late with a guy he'll kill us both!!!" He rolled his eyes and said,

"Not if we explain correctly." You walked further and the second you came into view, your father shrieked at the sight of you with a boy.

"Told you." You said to Levi as you both walked up on the porch. Farlan was about to yell at Levi but when he seen Levi, he put a hand over his mouth and tears rimmed his eyes.

"Oh my god." He said as he pulled Levi in for a glomping hug. Levi looked at you in utter confusion which you so kindly reimbursed.

"Dad please do tell me why you're hugging Levi?" Your dad gasped and pulled back.

"His name is L-Levi?!" You nodded slowly.

Farlan just couldn't believe it. He knew. HE KNEW. All along that you guys were soul mates. This was no coincidence. He breathed deeply, still taking in the shocking realization that you were so in the dark about. He pointed to Levi and said,

"This boy right here, is the only man you're allowed to date, marry, and have children with. Do you understand me (Y/N) Ackerman?!" You blushed and looked at Levi who had a smirk on his face. Levi then took your hand once again and said.

"Yes sir. I'll cherish her always and for the rest of eternity." Farlan chuckled and breathed out,

"You have no idea."


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