{Rin Okumura}

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Title: My Sworn Enemy

Anime: Blue Exorcist

A/N: 6 am..Readers..what's good?


You woke up like you would any other day. You got up, got dressed, and went to cram school. Simple as that.

You pushed the door open to see the familiar faces you seen any other day, but one particular face made you growl and grind your teeth. Rin Okumura. He was your sworn enemy and you hated everything about him. He was obnoxiously loud, he broke things and got into trouble easily, and he was just too carefree and stupid. All these things got your blood boiling on a daily basic and you knew that you pissed him off just as much.

After shooting an intensified glare his way that was so politely returned, you quietly sat down in the back by yourself. Yukio came in soon after and spoke out,

"Good morning class. Now, today we aren't going to be focusing on any exorcism procedures. Today you will be paired up with someone and the two of you will be going out into the woods and searching for 3 talesmans. Once your team has 3, you will come back here and turn them in, resulting in your clearance to leave." He glanced around at the class then continued,

"This test will ultimately reside on trusting your teammate. This could take 20 minutes or 20 hours, and that all depends on you. I will tell you the groups now." You sighed and rested your chin on your propped up hand, clearly annoyed that you had to interact with someone from your class. You drowned out the sound of Yukio's voice until you heard something you clearly had wished you hadn't.

"(L/N) (Y/N) and Okumura Rin." You gasped and stood up, gaining the entire classes attention.

"I refuse to be partnered with that worthless reck! Honestly if I'm partnered with him all he's going to do is get in my way." You said sternly as you glared at Rin. Rin had a sour look on his face as well and retorted,

"Shut the hell up you prude! You know nothing about me!" You started over towards him to teach him a lesson when Yukio came inbetween you two.

"The partners have already been decided. Looks like I picked well." He said as he walked back to the front, lightly pushing up his glasses. You cursed at Rin and returned to your seat, waiting for further instruction.

Everyone was now outside beside their partner. Of course, you were a good distance away from Rin but for the sake of you passing the class, you had to cooperate even a little bit. Yukio held up his gun and shouted,

"On your mark. Get set. Go!" The gun shot out through the air and everyone broke out into a sprint as you made your way into the forest.

Once you were in far enough, you stopped and looked at Rin out of the corner of your eye.

"Listen Spawn of Satan, I refuse to accept you as equal to me but for now we are partners. I'll search up in the trees and in high areas, you stay on the ground and search in low places." He cursed and tightened his fists.

"Who the hell made you the leader?! Your so self-absorbent (Y/N) it makes me sick. You always think so highly of yourself like your God or something. What the hell did I ever do to you?!" You went to yell back but your eyes widened. What did he do to you? Now that you thought about it, you had always hated him but you never clearly elaborated why. Was it how he made friends quickly after arrival when you had been there longer than anyone else? Was it how he was so strong without trying while you worked so hard and shed blood and tears just to get to where you were then? A exorcist-in-training? No. Your eyes widened once again when the word crossed your mind. Were you..jealous of him? The thought lingered in your mind for a moment before you came back to reality and looked at Rin, who was waiting for your comeback. Your eyes darkened in inner depression and quietly said,

"Let's just get this over with." Rin's eyes widened as you started walking farther into the forest and figured it was best not to push whatever it was that had just happened. He was surprised you didn't snap back at him but with you, Rin never knew what to expect. He quietly walked behind you, not forgetting the task at hand.

(Time skip)

It had been 35 minutes and you and Rin had successfully recovered 2 talesmans. You stared down at them, trying to see some invisible map that would lead you to the third one which you had been desperately searching for for the last 10 minutes. In that time, not a word was spoken. When you or Rin found one, you just simply kept it with you and searched for another one. The silence was become too much to bare and Rin was the first to crack,

"Listen..(Y/N)..what I said back there..I didn't mean it..I'm sorry." You stopped and stared at the ground.

"Don't apologize to me." You whispered.

"W-what?" Rin questioned you as he looked at you curiously. Your shoulders were shaking in rage as you continued to stare at the ground, and soon enough you finally popped,

"I SAID DON'T APOLOGIZE TO ME YOU IDIOT!! YOU DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING WRONG! I SHOULD BE THE ONE APOLOGIZING BUT I CAN'T BECAUSE I'M A STUBBORN GIRL WHO'S JEALOUS OF YOU AND CAN'T DEAL WITH MY FEELINGS!!" You screamed as you felt the tears run down your face. For some unknown reason, you suddenly got really emotional and in front of Rin was the worst part of it, making you even more upset than you already were. You suddenly felt warms arms wrap themselves around you and made you feel something you had never felt before.

"I'm sorry I didn't realize it earlier (Y/N). I didn't realize you were so lonely." He said as he quietly rocked you back and forth as you grabbed onto his blazer and cried into his chest. Rin suddenly got bold and decided to give you a kiss on the forehead. Earning a blush from you and a growing smile from himself. He bent down to become eye-level with you and stared into your (E/C) eyes with his royal blue ones and said,

"I like you." Your eyes widened and you felt the tears quickly return to your eyes once again. Panic flashed across Rin's face as he waved his hands around.

"Ah!! I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to make you cry!" He shouted as he covered his face with his hands and timidly peeked his eye out when he heard a soft, angelic giggle escape your lips.

"Idiot. I'm crying because I'm happy..and somehow.." You walked over to him and whispered in his ear,

"I like you too. Spawn of Satan." You backed away and turned around.

"Now! How about we get that last talesma- WHA-MMPH!" Rin's sudden display of affection interrupted your words and caused you to blush fifty shades of red. You could feel in the kiss that he truely had feelings for you and smiled into the kiss, quickly kissing him back. Who would've known your sworn enemy would turn into your sworn lover by the end of the day?


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