{Haruka Nanase}

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Title: My Soul Mate

Anime: Free! Eternal Summer


He was sure of it. Today was the day. The day he was going to go nuts. For a while now, his head has been in this endless loop of quiet ringing. But this time, it was much much worse. It was as if someone was inside his brain ringing the loudest bell ever right next to his ear drum. He covered his ears, mentally telling the ringing to go away. He groaned and looked up at the ceiling. "Why is this happening.."

Haruka tried shaking it off by taking a bath. Yeah. A bath always made things better. Except today.

He sighed and slid farther into the water as the ringing continued on. He looked down at his hand and sighed, looking at the name he has been starring at all his life. The name of his soul mate. Everyone went through this. Every person is born with a special name on their right hand and whenever you come close to the person with that name and had your name on his or her right hand, it starts to get brighter and when you come close enough that it disappears, you have found your soul mate. Haru had always hoped he would find his (Y/N) and be able to be with her. He just didn't want to be alone anymore. He wanted to meet (Y/N).

"This isn't working." Haruka knew that the last thing that might work is the big open sea that always looked so free and beautiful. He sighed and unwantingly got out of the tub. He got his things and made his way to the beach.

He smiled as he stood on the soft sand of the beach. This was one of the most comforting things in the world to him. If only his soul mate was able to share this beautiful moment with him..if only. He sat his stuff down on his towel and charged for the big ocean blue.

After a vast hour of rage swimming and frustration, Haru decided to give up trying to make the ringing go away.

He walked to were the water was up to his knees and turned to look at his hand. At that moment, his heart felt as though it had stopped. It started lightly glowing. His heart started beating louder than the ringing in his head. He quickly glanced around the beach but couldn't see anyone with the same discomfort or symptoms as him. He decided to walk further up the beach until he got knocked over by a petite force. He held his head as he sat up and seen a beautiful girl with a troubled face staring back at him with wide eyes. His eyes darted at his hand and seen it was glowing very brightly. He gasped slightly and quickly grabbed her right hand and seen it was glowing just as bright with the name Haruka on it. His eyes teared up as he pulled her in for a tight hug and put a hand on her head pulling her closer. "Where have you been I've been waiting for you (Y/N).."

She smiled and hugged him with all her might. "I've been waiting for you too Haru but I'm here now and we're finally together" He nodded as he pulled away slightly and looked at her with loving eyes. He then pulled her in for a longing kiss, a kiss he had wanted to give to (Y/N) ever since he was born.


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