{Sebastian Michaelis Part 2} *LEMON* *HALLOWEEN SPECIAL*

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Title: More Then Anything

Anime: Black Butler

A/N: How could I not use that picture (yeahhhh sorry this sucks but you already expected that probs sorry it's late)


You waited anxiously outside the school gates for Sebastian to join you so you could walk home together. It was still like a dream in your head, how Sebastian had not only told you that he loved you, but he had also stood up to those snobby popular girls for you.

Your heart pace quicken just thinking about it, but the next thing that happened to you made it increase even more. Sebastian, without your knowledge, came up from behind you and slid his arms around your waist. He pressed his chest against your back and rested his cheek to the top of your head. You automatically got butterflies and put your hands comfortably on top of his. Sebastian said in a quite tone,

"Thank you for waiting for me." You smiled and turned around, still in his arms. You grabbed onto his collar and pulled, making his face get closer to yours. You whispered,

"I've waited so long to have you, waiting a little long is no biggy." You then kissed him just like you did in the bathroom. So subtle yet so yearful. You automatically looped your arms behind his neck and pushed your tongue into his mouth. He responded, twisting his tongue along with yours, when a cough cut you both off.

The principle stood five feet away from you, arms crossed and eyebrows raised. He said,

"No PDA on campus. Go home kids." Sebastian bowed apologetically and you followed. After he left, Sebastian chuckled slightly and grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers.

"Shall we go?" Sebastian asked as he smiled at you tenderly. You nodded and giggled as you began to walk home with your newly profound boyfriend.

(At Your House)

Sebastian walked you up to the porch of your house. You told him to wait and you unlocked the door, and much to your surprise and secret advantage, your parents weren't home. You turned around and asked Sebastian,

"Mind coming in for a bit?" He eye smiled and walked in, accepting your generous offer.

"You have a nice home (Y/N)." Sebastian commented as he took his shoes off at the door and walked inside. You followed suit and walked behind him, taking a seat on the couch. He sat down quite close to you, making you freeze up slightly in anxiousness and excitement. Sebastian suddenly laughed out loud, making you turn your head towards him.

"You're acting so nervous. Relax baby girl." Sebastian said as he cupped your chin and brought his face closer to yours. Your lips touched and the next thing you knew, you were straddling him and a make-out session was well, in session.

You moaned slightly as you rubbed your clothed pussy against his growing erection, causing him to groan in satisfaction. You panted slightly when your lips parted with his. The hunger and lust in his kisses brought you to a whole new level of sexual desire. You stripped your shirt and bra off of you at once, which made Sebastian look at your chest almost immediately. He smirked slightly and groped them before taking one of your buds into his mouth and rubbing the other one with his index and middle finger.

You gasped and grabbed onto his shoulder, trying to control the growing friction in between your lower lips. You bit your lip as you felt his wet muscle circle around your nipple, holding in a moan you weren't sure you could hold in for too long. He disconnected his tongue from your breast and brought his lips up to kiss you once more.

"Let me take care of you (Y/N)." Sebastian suggested as he looked at you with such desirable eyes. You nodded and stood up, followed by Sebastian who instantly picked you up, making you wrap your legs around his waist.

He put one hand under your butt to support you as he walked through the house to find your room and used the other to put behind your head as he made out with you for the time being. You moaned and clutched his shirt, impatiently wanting to get rid of it.

Once he found your room, he shut the door behind him and walked over and sat you down on the bed. He motioned a finger to himself, telling you to watch him.

Sebastian slowly lifted his shirt over his head, revealing his god like body. He ran a hand down his abs sexually before unbuttoning his jeans. You stood up and walked over to him, not wasting anytime before you yourself took a try at touching his abs. You ran your hand down his chest before looping your index fingers in the belt loops of his jeans. You yanked him closer to you before kissing him and sending him down on to your bed.

You unzipped his jeans and took them along with his boxers off in one swift tug. You looked up to see his large member standing tall and proud, much to your liking. Sebastian slid himself on to your bed completely before watching you take off the remaining clothes that were still on you.

Once you removed your pants and panties, you climbed on top of him and positioned his member at your entrance. He said before you rode him,

"I love you (Y/N)." You smiled and whispered,

"I love you too Sebastian." With that, you lowered yourself on to him. You winced and grabbed onto his hand for support, in which he held and squeezed.

"You're..so tight (Y/N)." He breathed out as he swept a few locks of black hair out of his face. You bit your lip again, this time trying to make the pain go away. It was your first time and the pain was unbearable.

Soon enough, the pain you once felt turned into an incredible pleasure. You looked at Sebastian reassuringly before moving up and then going back down onto his dick. You moaned and continued riding him, going faster and harder with motivation coming from Sebastian's inviting moans. He thrusted up to me you half way, making him hit a spot even deeper in you than you couldn't have hit yourself. You yelped and moaned loudly as you felt yourself coming to your climax. Sebastian grabbed onto your hips and said,

"N..not yet.." He then pulled out and flipped you over, making him on top of you. He put your leg over his shoulder before ramming his cock into your flower harder than the earlier penetrations. You gasped and breathed heavily as your inner walls clutched and released your juices onto his cock. Sebastian thrusted into you a few more times before filling you up with his semen. You panted and felt Sebastian pull out of you, soon after that falling over beside you in exhaustion. He pulled up your comforter and draped it over the both of you. You snuggled up to him and said,

"I love you more than anything Sebastian." You smiled and looked up at him. Sebastian ran the back of his hand gently down the side of your face before giving you a peck on the cheek. He replied,

"And I love you, more than the sun loves the moon. More than Romeo loved Juliet. And I will continue to love you until the day I die." He replied as he stared into your glossy (E/C) eyes. You stared back into his red ones and smiled happily.

Never in your life had you felt so happy, and right then and there you promised yourself that Sebastian was the only one for you.

A/N: I don't even know. I had tacos for dinner.

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