{Finny} (Requested)

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Title: Relieved

Anime: Black Butler

Requested by: @x-Little_Wildcat-x


You turned down the hall as you fixed the hem of your ball gown. Making your way to the main hall, you glanced around and immediately caught sight of the cute farmer you always looked forward to seeing every time you visited the phantomhive estate.

You were the daughter of a famous manufacturing company, and your father had a long term partnership with the Phatomhives. So of course, anytime Ciel was holding a ball of some sort, you were one of the first people to be invited.

Being so, the time you spent at the estate was wonderful because of everyones kindness, but even more so because of Finny, the cute farmer who worked at the estate. Of course it went against everything you were but you had a major crush on the guy. He was cute, sweet, and you just loved that accent he had. He was one of the first people to make you feel like you were valued as a person and not some noble girl from a rich family.

The ball started off with beautiful trays of food, drinks, and desserts. You smiled as your friend, Elizabeth, giggled happily, pulling on ciel's arm as a plate was put in front of all of you. You first started eating a wonderful type of pasta. It tasted out standing! But you suddenly thought to yourself,

"I wonder if he would like this?"

You glanced around and spotted the male in the corner of the hall with MeyRin and Baldroy. You smiled slightly when he came into your sight. You stood up, gaining the stares from the noble's from your table.

"What's the matter, (Y/N) dear?"

Elizabeth said as she looked at you. You smiled and grabbed a plate of the pasta and said,

"Don't worry about me! I'll be right back."

You proclaimed as you swiftly walked over to the three and said in a quite voice.

"U-um..Finny? Could you come with me for a minute?"

You asked with a slight shade of pink on your face and up at the tip of your ears.

"Of course! Your wish is my demand, lady (Y/N)!"

He smiled happily and followed you into the kitchen that was a little ways away from the main hall. You walked in, closed the door, then turned to him.

"Sorry to take you away like this..I just tried this pasta and wanted to see if you would like to try some?"

You smiled and he blushed deeply then replied,

"But Lady (Y/N), I don't want to take away your foo-"

"Please Finny? I want to know what you think."

He sighed happily then nodded. He came over, took a bite, than chewed and swallowed.

He was silent for a moment then looked at you with glossy eyes.


"Miss (Y/N)!! That was the best pasta I've ever had!!"

He suddenly proclaimed then hugged you unknowingly. You gasped slightly then hugged him back. Only tighter than he was originally hugging you. He noticed this and asked,

"Miss (Y/N)?"

"Finny, I love you."

Silence. You were still hugging him but the silence scared you. Of course you were ready for the, 'but your a noble girl and I'm just a farmer and blah blah blah blah blah'. Then you heard him speak up,

"I love you too. Miss (Y/N)."

Your eyes widened and you pulled away a little, still holding on to him, but enough where you we looking into his eyes.

"You..love me back?"

He nodded and smiled happily.

"I've loved you for a while. I never confessed to you because I was afraid you didn't return my feelings! But I'm so relieved."

He said as he blushed and pulled you closer than gave you a shy, light kiss on the lips. You melted into the kiss and kissed back with all your might, showing just how much you have been waiting for this exact moment.


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