{Makoto Tachibana}

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Title: Temporarily Blind

Anime: Free! Eternal Summer


(Your PoV)

I sighed as I sat in the waiting room. My idiot boyfriend Makoto went to the beach with the Iwatobi swim club and some how starred at the sun too long. Resulting in him passing out and having temporary blindness.

I waited with the rest of the group until a nurse came out and told us it was okay to see him. We all smiled happily and went back to his room.

"Makoto! You scared us all! I'm so glad your okay!!" I said and hugged him. He chuckled and replied,

"Gomen. I wish I could see you all...but I'm blind for now.." He frowned slightly and felt around until he put the palm of his hand on my cheek. I smiled and turned slightly to give it a loving kiss. I felt eyes in the back of my head and suddenly started blushing.

"Gomen guys!"

Nagisa puffed out his cheeks and murmured,

"I'm so jealous...but I'm glad Mako~chan is okay! We're gunna go back to the pool so be careful on your way home!" We nodded and they left. The doctor knocked on the door and stuck his head in, saying,

"Hey! Just wanted to catch you before you went home. About his condition..it could go away tonight..or it could go away next week. The time his sight returns varies so please be patient." He then left and I turned to my blind honey.

"Let's go home, ne~?"


(Time skip to getting home keke I love this part)

I led Makoto into our shared apartment and sat him on the couch.

"I'm going to bring you some tea. Stay right there."

"Yes ma'am!"

I laughed as he saluted. I then got his tea and held it up to his lips.

"It's here honey. I'll give it to you so just bare with me okay?"

He nodded and drank as I slowly tipped the tea cup. I brought it down and he breathed out a warm 'ahhhh' after he drank it. I then sat down beside him and held his hand, slightly leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Do you need anything else love?"

He chuckled and replied,

"A kiss right about now would be wonderful."

I blushed then nodded and brought my lips to his and kissed him gently but mako put a hand on the back of my head and deepened the kiss. We then separated.

"I'm tired let's go to bed."

I nodded and pulled him with me to our bedroom. Unbeknownst to me, Makoto was looking at me out of the corner of his eyes. He had gotten his sight back shortly after we had arrived at home. But being pampered by his lady was wonderful so he didn't say anything.

When we got there he shyly said,

"Could you help me get my pajama's on?"

I blushed hard and slowly mumbled a yes then took his shirt off revealing his beautiful muscles. Then unbuckled his pants, making my ears go red and my face go 50 shades of red. I then left to grab our pajama's. Makoto smiled as he secretly watched me walk into the closet. When I returned, he returned to starring straight Infront of him. I then sat him down and help him put his pants back on. I then went to button his shirt before he grabbed my wrist and looked at me longingly. I gasped and shouted,


He smiled sweetly and pulled me into his exposed chest.

"Having you undress me really got me going (Y/N)~chan..I'm glad I can see you..it was fun watching you undress me.."

I blushed as he slowly pushed me onto the bed. He kissed me and whispered,

"I'm kind of thankful for being temporarily blind, gave me a reason to see you so vulnerable like this."

I blushed again and knew I was in for a long night.


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