{Kaneki Ken}

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Title: Favor

Anime: Tokyo Ghoul


You were oddly surprised whenever your best friend, Kaneki, came to you asking you for a favor. But this favor, this favor was something you had mixed feelings about. This favor made you want to crawl in a hole and die. What was that favor?

Kaneki walked up to you shyly with a small smile. He waved happily then said,

"(Y/N)~chan could you do me a favor?"

You smiled, knowing that your best friend relied on you for these things and happily nodded. You then asked,

"What is it that you need help with?"

He rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled nervously,

"Well...there's this girl I really like..and I want to take her out on a date..but I don't know what to do or where to take her..do you think you could come out with me this Saturday and show me some good places to take her?"

You mentally gasped as you felt your heart break into a million pieces. He wanted you to help him plan a date...for another girl. Although you absolutely hated the idea, being his best friend, you falsely smiled and agreed. You then asked,

"Wanna meet tommorow at 2? I'll come pick you up at your house."

"Okay! See ya then!"

(Time skipeu brought to you by cannabalism)

Even though you were only going out with Kaneki to help him plan a date for another girl, you wanted to look nice. You wore a simple, (f/c) dress with matching flats. Your hair was lightly curled and your makeup was kept simple.

Getting a finally look at yourself in the mirror, you heard a knock at the door and smiled.

"Right on time." You muttered as you opened the door, revealing your bestfriend whom you loved very deeply. Kaneki was wearing a casual outfit but damn did he rock it. He smiled and said,

"Let's get going shall we?"

You smiled back and nodded. As you stepped out, locking your house begin you, Kaneki suddenly leaned in and said,

"You look great by the way, (Y/N)~chan."

You blushed and muttered a thanks. You both then walked to the mall, since it wasn't far, then started your favor.

You started with going window shopping. He told you,

"Act as though this is what you want on a date, (Y/N)~chan."

So you started by saying,

"I would want my boyfriend to take me window shopping, looking at things together, not even buying is always fun."

After a little, you guys got some food that you said you liked. Then you got some ice cream and continued to walk around until you stopped and looked at a beautiful necklace at a jewelry store. You turned to Kaneki and said,

"If it was me, I would totally want that. But I don't think I would tell him. So if she is looking at something for a long time, she probably wants it."

He nodded and before you could go he said,

"Hey I need to go do something. You can wait outside for me, okay?"

You nodded and went outside then waited, until Kaneki came back out and smiled, telling you to continued along.

After a little bit, you guys walked to a near by park and played on the swings for a little, ending with watching the sunset. Lastly, he walked you home.

You guys arrived at your front door and you suddenly turned to him.

"So when are you taking your crush out?"

He smiled,

"I already did."

You looked at him with a puzzled face,

"What? When?"

He looked at the clock on his phone.

"Oh, about five minutes ago."

Your eyes widened in realization and you looked at him.


Before you could continue, you felt a pair of lips on yours.

"I really like you (Y/N)~chan, will you be my girlfriend?"

You smiled and hugged him. Then, as you were hugging him, you felt something cold on your neck. You looked down and on your neck was the necklace you were looking at in that jewelry store. You smiled and kissed him again.

"Thank you so much Kaneki."

"Your welcome, (Y/N)~chan."


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