{Armin Arlert}

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Title: Train

Anime: Attack on Titan

A/N: Yeessss this cinnamon rollllll okay okay modern AU here we gooooo


(Your PoV)

I yawned as I lazily walked onto the train. It was my first day at Survey Corps Academy, which was only for the super smart and/or rich kids of Shiganshina. I was unfortunately both, meaning that I was probably going to be bullied and what not. I sighed as I looked around for a place to sit. I saw an empty seat beside a boy with sort of long blonde hair and blue eyes, which intrigued me immensely. I walked over to him and asked,

"Can I *yawn* sit here?" He looked up at me and blushed, then sat his bookbag in lap and hesitantly nodded. I had to admit the boy was cute and he looked just as tired as I did. The minute I sat down, I was already almost asleep. What I didn't know what that I had already snuggled up to the stranger, and was practically on top of him.

(Time skip)

A faint automatic voice said,

"Now approaching Survey Corps Academy." I tried to get up but suddenly realized my position. I was sitting in the strangers lap with my head in the crook of his neck, who was also sleeping with his arms around my waist and his head leaning on mine. The mysterious boy seems to have been woken up by the intercom too and quickly overlooked the situation. I peeked up at him to see his face bright red. I giggled lightly and slid off of him.

"Thanks for the nice nap, Blondie!You're really comfortable you know that?" The way I acted and the way I was raised were two completely different stories. The way I acted and talked made people think I came from some delinquents but in fact I was not. He blushed deeper and said,

"U-Um I guess you're welcome..what's your na-" but before he could ask that I was already gone.

I quickly entered the building and walking towards the office. I knocked on the door twice. I secretary looked up from her paper work and smiled, probably already knowing who I was.

"Ms. (L/N), I presume? Here's your schedule! Your first class is honors history. It's on the third floor, second door to the right." I nodded and casually made my way there, obviously not caring whether I was late or not.

Apparently class was already in session as I slid the door open. All eyes shot over to me, displeased I interrupted their learning time. The teacher smiled, although he looked very annoyed and turned to the class, saying,

"Everyone, this is one of our new students. Please introduce yourself." I sighed and said in a tired voice,

"The name's (Y/N) (L/N)." The teacher nodded as the students said hello to me back. He scanned his eyes over the room.

"Ah! Armin please raise your hand. Miss (L/N) you can sit by him." My eyes darted over to the hand that had hesitantly raised. No way! It was blondie! I smiled a wide smile and walked over there. I sat down in my seat and whispered,

"Hey snuggle buddy! Never thought I would meet you here!" He blushed and nodded. I kept looking at him out of the corner of my eye. Something about him was just so cute. Maybe because he looked so innocent? Maybe because he so openly cuddled with me when he didn't even know my name? He was handsome in his own way and it made me want to get to know him. I might even already have feelings for the guy.

The bell rung and students immediately tried to all rush out of the classroom. I decided that if I didn't make an act now, someone might try to take 'Armin' away from me. He tried to get up but I pushed him back down. I pulled his chin up and gave him a loving, lustful kiss on the lips. At first I knew he was surprise but after a little bit of getting used to me, he kissed back and even put his arms around my waist. We broke apart and he asked with a blush on his face,

"W-why did you..?" I smiled and said,

"Somehow, in this very small timeframe we sort of knew each other, I guess I fell in love with you." I giggled and started to walk out, but not before turning and saying,

"Let's date okay? Meet me for lunch on the roof! See ya blondie!" I then giggled happily, walking out of the room, leaving a bewildered but oddly happy Armin behind.

A/N: WHHHHHAAAAATTTTT OKAY BYE BYE! (P.S. I've got some good shit comin up yo)

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