{Sasuke Uchiha}

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Title: Not Second Best Anymore

Anime: Naruto/Naruto Shippuden

A/N: so I'm sick rn so this might be bleh.


(Your PoV)

I'm always her shadow. Always being told, "Oh you're that girl that's always with Sakura!" I'm always 2nd best according to the whole school. Sakura always comes out number 1 in everything. I'm just glad she doesn't like my crush, who is also very popular, Sasuke Uchiha. If she would start to like him, it would be over for me. Of course, because she always gets what she wants.

I sat in my seat beside Sakura in the lunch room, with the other popular kids. They were talking about something I didn't really care to know. I was staring at what was at the other table, talking to his friends.

Sasuke was never really the social type of guy, but his looks surely got him to the top of the popularity chain quickly. He absolutely hated to talk to people and rejected every single confession he got. Apparently he was 'waiting' for someone else. Yeah. Sakura probably. I was in a daze, thinking about Sasuke, when Sakura spoke up.

"So lately I've been taking a liking to a new guy in our school!" Ino gasped and leaned into Sakura. "No way who?!" Sakura smiled triumphantly and said a little too loudly,

"Sasuke Uchiha!" My eyes widened and I could feel my tears make their way to the rim of my (E/C) eyes. I looked down and covered my eyes with my bangs so no one could see me. I was done for now. I knew it. Cheers were suddenly the only thing you could hear in the cafeteria. I heard Naruto, who was siting with us, yell.

"Yo Sasuke! The hottest girl in the school likes you! What do you have to say about that!" Sasuke glared us and said,

"First of all, she's not the hottest girl in the school, not even close. Second, she's the last person on the god damn earth I would like so might as well stop your stupid little crush Sakura because I like someone else." Everyone gasped as Sakura burst into tears and ran out. I looked up to see Sasuke staring right at me. I blushed and decided that if I didn't go after Sakura, she would be angry with me.

I found her crying in the bathroom. Make-up everywhere, hair stuck out in places that clearly didn't belong. I chuckled a little and got a tissue, wipping the running makeup off her face. She looked up and cried more, this time hugging me like there was no tomorrow.

"(Y/N)!! Why doesn't he like me?! I'm perfect!!" I sighed and looked at her,

"Well gotta get rid of that girl that he likes I guess." She gasped.

"Your right! Maybe we can watch him and see who he looks at the most!!" I nodded as we walked back into the cafeteria. Sakura was flooded with are you okay's and there are a lot of fish in the sea's. I couldn't help but look over at Sasuke who was once again staring at me. I knitted my brows in confusion as he quickly turned away. I then noticed everyone was silent. Sakura was staring at me in utter disgust and betrayal. I asked,

"What's wrong?"

"O-oh! Nothing. I just remembered..um..I need to talk to you about something later..come to the back of the school after school is over okay?" I nodded and took a small glance over at Sasuke, who was glaring at Sakura. I sighed because I had no idea what was going on whatsoever.

(Time skip to after school)

I made my way to the back of the school, continuously looking around for Sakura. I heard footsteps approach from behind me and was about to turn around when something soft but hard at the same time pushed me to the ground. There was Sakura standing above me with her arms crossed, Ino and Karin at her back. Sakura placed her foot on my chest and started,

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