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Title: Jokes

Anime: Black Butler

A/N: I'm not going to even bother putting up a picture because wattpad is being so stupid right now. For Neverland0123  (YESSSS IT LET ME TAG YOU) Enjoy~


You walked into the familiar coffin shop like you would any other day. The smell of dusty coffins and freshly brewed tea filled your nose and you walked closer to the counter. You looked down at your Alice in wonderland costume while blushing slightly, hoping that the undertaker would like it. You wanted to show him before the big Halloween party at the Phantomhive's started. Of course, anyone would want to show the person they loved their costume first.

You called out hesitantly,

"Undertaker?" Suddenly, a few booms and bangs came from the back room. You furrowed your brow and waited for him to come out. Once he did, your eyes widened and your mouth stood ajar.

The undertaker had actually worn a costume too. He was the mad hatter, and boy did he look good in it. You also realized that you two were matching..like couples would. He took notice of you and your costume and leaned up against the counter with a smile.

"Well deary, it looks like you've truly outdone yourself this year. And we're matching too! How adorable." He said as he put his pointer finger under your chin, making you look up at him. You blushed and said,

"Thank you. You look very handsome tonight, undertaker." He chuckled and said,

"Your flattering words make my heart beat fast. Say, how about you tell me a joke and I'll give you something in return?" He leaned forward in anticipation. You breathed slowly and smirked. You had just the joke.

"Okay, what's worse than waking up from a party with a penis drawn on your face?"

The undertaker smiled and asked,

"What?" You giggled a little and whispered into his ear,

"Finding out it was traced." The undertaker instantly fell to the floor laughing. His laugh was contagious and made you laugh right along with him.

After a few minutes to compose himself, the undertaker sighed happily and stood up. He said,

"That was great (Y/N), I can't remember the last time I laughed like that!" You smiled and looked down, obviously embarrassed. Whilst doing so, a pair of shoes came into your vision. You looked up to see the undertaker right in front of you, looking straight at you, hair pushed out of his face and all. You gazed into his mesmerizing eyes as a smile grew on his face.

"And now, a gift from me to you." He leaned in and kissed you on the cheek. Your heart started beating and you expected him to move away, but instead he sealed your lips with his own. You hadn't expected it and didn't kiss back at first, but when you realized what was happening, you took the opportunity to show him how you felt. You kissed back and wrapped your arms around his neck. He pulled back for a second before kissing you again but even harder this time. His kisses were intoxicating and you couldn't deny it made you love him even more.

You pulled away but kept your face close to him. He panted slightly and whispered,

"I never knew you could kiss so well (Y/N)." You chuckled and whispered,

"Maybe you should've found out sooner.

A/N: well that sucked

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