{Switzerland / Batch Zwingli}

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Title: Jealously leads to all sorts of things

Anime: Hetalia

Requested by: Rossihazel

(Thanks so much dear! Feel free to request anything anytime!)

Let's have a big debate in the comments about his name. Like the black and blue dress. Is his name spelled Vash or Basch? I'm using Basch but I'd love to hear how you guys say it.

(Guys get your beards out next Friday is Leif Erikson Day)


You watched from the shadows of an alleyway as your boyfriend, Basch, walked down the sidewalk with a girl you had never met. Your fists tightened as you noticed her beautiful short blonde hair and the gorgeous gown she had on. You knew you shouldn't have been jealous but who wouldn't be if they seen their lover walking down the street with someone they had never met. Not only that, but you were feeling extremely self-conscious as you compared yourself to her in your head which didn't exactly help the jealous feelings that were slowly consuming you.

Suddenly, they stopped and turned to each other. Your eyes widened as Basch moved a hand up and pushed some of the bangs out of her face before giving her a loving kiss of the forehead.

Your heart clenched and you angrily waltzed up to them and punched him right in the face.

You heard me right, I said punched.

Basch fell to the ground and whipped his head up to look at you but before he could speak, you said,

"Look, I don't know how long this," you gestured your hands around him and her, "has been going on but I don't want anything more to do with you. I loved you Basch, and I though things were going great. Apparently you didn't think the same. Don't....don't ever talk to me again." You finished as you walked quickly away from them. You heard Basch call your name several times but you didn't care, all you wanted to do now was go home and forget everything.

(Small time skip)

You laid down on your bed with your face squashed against your pillows. The look on Basch's face when you punched him floated around in your mind hauntingly. You thought to yourself,

"Maybe I should've let him explain."

You shot up in anger and crossed your legs.

"No!" You shouted out to no one in particular, "he cheated on me and that's unacceptable!"

"So that's what you thought it was?" A voice ran out from the other side of your door. You gasped and said,


"Yeah. Let me in so I can explain and clear up this ridiculous quarrel." He said in an impatient tone. You hesitantly got up and opened your bedroom door. Immediately, your eyes fell to the bruise that now claimed his flawless skin. Pangs of guilt flooded your heart as you watched him walk in and sit on your bed.

"Sit beside me, (Y/N)." He said sternly.

"Okay." You whispered as you silently went and sat beside him obediently. Even though you were mad at him, you still wanted to believe and trust that it was all just a misunderstanding. You sure hoped it was.

"Listen, the woman you saw me with earlier.."

"Was beautiful, gorgeous, better than me-" You unconsciously listed all the things about her that you thought he was going to say.

"Was my sister." He said in a mocking tone.

"...........what..." You said quite madly.

"You never even let me explain, came up to me, and punched me (Y/N). My sister Lili was in town this week and she wanted me to show her around. You were busy so I didn't think it was necessary to bother you with it. I'm sorry I didn't tell yo-"

"YOU IDIOT!!" You screamed as you started crying and hugged him like there was no tomorrow.

"Do you know how much it hurt me when I started thinking that we were actually done!? I love you so much and if we were to break up I...I..."

"I know (Y/N) and I'm sorry. I love you so much too..but holy crap you punch well. I'm glad you have so much stamina but please refrain from punching your boyfriend in the future, okay?" Basch said as he pouted and held his cheek. You giggled and took his hand away before kissing it, then pulling his face to look dead on to you.

"I love you." You whispered before you kissed him right on the lips. You thought it was so cute how he could go from stern and somewhat freighting to blushing and bashful. You still couldn't believe that you were jealous of his sister.

You brushed all those negative thoughts out of your head and smiled into the lengthy kiss as he wrapped his strong arms around your waist and pulled you in for an even deeper kiss than the last.

A/N: Once again thanks for requesting blah blah blah really excited for Leif Erikson Day don't know why..

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