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Title: Stuck

Anime: Naruto

A/N: get your mind out of the gutter.


You smoothed down your skirt as you walked into your office building. You were a new intern and just started getting the hang of things. You showed the security guard your ID and walked over to the elevator. You barely noticed a red-headed man standing beside you, also waiting for the elevator.

Soon enough, a "ding" rang out into the hushed air and the doors opened. That's when you noticed him. You tried not to look at him but once you got onto the elevator with him alone, you couldn't help but take a look.

Red hair, mesmerizing green eyes, and a tall figure that you were sure would look great no matter what he put on. In other words, he was gorgeous.

He turned to you suddenly which startled you. You were just checking him out after all. He asked,

"What floor?" You blinked and replied,

"Oh, um..the fourth floor please." He nodded and pressed the number four.

"I'm going there too. How fortunate." His mouth tugged up slightly but then returned to its normal resting place. You sighed as you felt your heart rate speed up. You thought to yourself,

"Not now, phobia, I don't need this.."

Yes, you, (Y/N) (L/N) were scared of elevators. Funny how you worked in an office building yet you were afraid of the most common type of transportation in the building.

You could feel the elevator rising under your feet. Of course, this made you grab onto the railing tightly against the wall. The only other person in the elevator looked at you curiously and asked,

"Are you alright?" You nodded nervously and said,

"Just a little afraid of elevators..I'm fine though." He hmed and turned back towards the doors. Right before the elevator got to the fourth floor, all the lights when out and the elevator completely stopped moving.

You stared into the darkness and began to hyperventilate. You knew something like this was going to happen. Why hadn't you taken the stairs? The red-headed male banged on the door and cursed.

"What the hell..HELP US!!" He shouted. You crouched down and brought your knees to your chest while hiding your face into your knees. You were already crying as you rocked back and forth, trying to make the anxiety and paranoia go away.

"That's right..you're afraid of elevators. I'm sorry this happened to you. What's your name?" You could hear his voice getting closer and soon enough, he had sat down next to you.

"(Y-Y/N) (L/N)."

"My name is Gaara, believe it or not, but I'm actually the CEO of this company..when we get out of here I'm going to make sure this never happens again." You whimpered and closed your eyes. This was the absolute worst time of your life and you would do anything to get out of it.

Gaara lifted your face up so that you were looking at him. You blushed lightly and looked into his green eyes.

"Listen (Y/N), I'm going to get help okay? Don't worry." He surprisingly gave you a quick peck on the forehead. You gasped and your eyes instantly widened. Your heart started to race a mile a minute and you had totally forgotten about being in an elevator at all.

For the first time since you had met Gaara, he smiled handsomely at you.

"See, you forgot about everything." You held your hand to your forehead and whispered,

"Thank you.." He smiled once again and took his blazer off. He then placed it over your body, so that you wouldn't get cold. You felt flattered and asked,

"Why are you being so nice to me?" Gaara leaned his back against the wall and said,

"What kind of a man would I be if I didn't do this for you? Right now you're sitting here, facing your worst fear. People can be brave but there are times when they need someone else to be brave for them." You smiled and felt the temperature in your cheeks to accelerate once again. Not once in your life has someone been so nice and considerate.

Fifteen minutes passed until a voice cut through the silence.

"Hello? Is there anyone in there?!" You and Gaara both sprung up and shouted that you were stuck in the elevator. The person outside the door said,

"Stand back!" Soon enough, the door was forced open to reveal (A/N: Makoto Tachibana! NO NOT HIM AGAIN why do I feel like this is EXACTLY like my Kenma subway one -_-) a security guard and a couple paramedics. Gaara took your hand and helped you out into the open area. Immediately, you fell to the ground in relief.

"Bet you're glad to be our here, huh?" Gaara asked. You nodded and smiled happily. Never in your life had you felt so relieved. Gaara suddenly had a pink tint on his cheeks as he said in a hushed voice,

"W-would you um.." You looked up at him in confusion.

"Would I what?"

"W-would you like to accompany me for lunch today?" You automatically smiled and nodded.

"Thanks for caring about me when I was scared. I think I might've died in there if it wasn't for you..thank you so much Gaara." You stood up and gave him a kiss on the cheek before walking to your desk. His eyes widened slightly and he whispered,

"You're welcome."

A/N: 9 am, tired af, trying to write something and this shit is the product. Thanks for requesting and sorry it's literally the love child of Oprah Winfrey and Bill Gates.

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