{Levi Ackerman}

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Title: Amnesia

Anime: Attack on Titan

A/N: Yeah so this is a quicky because I just watched the new ep of AHS Hotel which was GGG88888 and so Levi coming your way~~ btw he isn't the one who hits you


It was all in slow motion, how you carelessly walked across the slippery winter road, how the motorcycle came into contact with your body, how the motorcyclist ran over to see if you were okay. It was all a blur, and you certainly wouldn't remember it when you would wake up.

The bright lights blared down on you as you slowly woke up. You cringed and put your hand over your forehead to shield your eyes from the brightness.

You were confused, really confused. Why were you in a hospital? Who was that unusually handsome guy snoozing away in the arm chair beside your bed?

Who were you?

The man seemed to have noticed your stirrings, because he now stared at you with wide eyes. He brought his well sculpted face closer to yours and asked,

"(Y/N)?" You flinched away from his touch and replied,

"Who?" Before he could say anything, a doctor walked in a with a pained expression. He turned to both you and the raven haired male and said,

"I'm..terribly sorry but Ms. (L/N) has amnesia. We don't know when her memories will return. She could remember everything today, next week, next year, or...never." Levi slumped into his seat with a hardened expression. You asked in confusion,

"Who are you people? And what am I doing in the hospital?" The doctor smiled slightly and said,

"About a week ago you were hit by a fast moving vehicle. Resulting in severe head trauma and minor bodily injuries. The damage to your head and brain caused you to have amnesia. Your name is (Y/N) (L/N). The man beside you in your Fiancé, Levi Ackerman." You looked over at him and thought,

"This..is my fiancé? He looks like he just got out of a falling in reverse concert..I'm not going to deny he's handsome..but seriously what the hell.." The doctor soon left, leaving you and Levi in complete silence.

He tapped his foot against the floor before jolting out of his seat and kissing you on the mouth. You pushed against his chest and said loudly,

"What the hell?!" He sighed and said,

"I know this is hard on you but I do love you..I thought maybe that would bring back some memories.." It was strange really, because now that you thought about it, when his lips touched yours you felt some sort of familiarness. You tilted your head in confusion as you thought. You then motioned him over with your hand. Levi obliged and followed your instruction.

You cupped his narrow cheeks and gave him a hard kiss on the lips. He grunted and widened his eyes in shock. But soon enough Levi started to enjoy it, because he climbed on top of you and started to make out with you.

You griped his shoulders as you felt a memory of Levi and you in bed, doing things much more exotic than what you were doing now. You blushed and broke the kiss. He smirked slightly and said,

"What's the matter sweetheart? Remember anything?" You blushed harder and covered your face with the back of your hand.

"M-maybe.." You then hesitantly traveled your eyes down to his package then shot them up to the ceiling in embarrassment.

"Of all the memories I could've remembered..gosh this is embarrassing.." Levi chuckled and laid down next to you in the hospital bed, before intertwining his fingers with yours.

"I know you might not remember me completely yet..but I love you (Y/N)." You smiled and squeezed his hand while saying,

"I don't quite remember you yet..but I think I fell in love with you right now anyway." You brought your free hand up and combed your fingers through his silky hair. Levi smiled and cupped his larger hand over yours, before putting his forehead to yours and closing his eyes.

Maybe he was doing so to remind himself that you were there with him. Maybe it was to insure you that he there for you. Whatever it was, you knew you were going to get through this hardship, together.


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