{Sasuke Uchiha}

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Title: A Song for You

Anime: Naruto/Naruto Shippuden

A/N: This one is for the lovely valentinastocco37
He might be a little OOC but YOLOOO LETS GO! (I know the pic is of Sasuke and Naruto but it's a Sasuke only ((sorry Naruto lmao)))


(Your PoV)

I left home this morning a little more chipper than usual. My famous singer boyfriend whom I've been with for 3 years, Sasuke Uchiha, was going on a famous radio show. I was so excited to listen to his voice and him interacting with the funny emcee's.

I hurried to get my work done. I looked down at my wristwatch.

"Dang it, it's only 3 pm...he goes on at 6..URG.." I waited long enough and soon after my work was finished it was 5 pm. I had plenty of time to spare so I decided to get into bed, with my portable radio on the night stand beside our bed ready to go. It was 5:30 when I got a text from Sasuke.

From: Sasgay~
Subject: I love you.

Are you listening?

I giggled and turned the radio on, which there were only commercials running at the moment. I texted back.

To: Sasgay
Subject: I love you more!

Yes I am~ I can't wait to hear your voice! ᵒᴥᵒᶅ

Sent! I smiled as the clock turned to 6 o'clock and the emcee started talking.

Emcee: Hello everyone and welcome to Sukira Radio! (A/N: yo super junior fans) Today we have a very special guest today! Guest! Please introduce yourself!

Sasuke: Hey guys it's Sasuke Uchiha here. I'm so happy to finally be able to visit your studio.

Emcee: Me too! Let's jump right in to the questions, shall we?

Sasuke: Alright.

(Time skip)

It had been 45 minutes of funny stories and great conversations between the emcee and Sasuke. I was laughing the entire time, remembering most of the memories Sasuke talked about. The emcee finally said,

"So Sasuke, to wrap it all up, is there a last minute thing you want to do?" Sasuke chuckled and said,

"Actually yes. I want to sing and dedicate a song to my girlfriend who's at home listening to this radio show right now. (Y/N) I love you so much. Thank you for supporting me through all the tough times and the good times. Your my everything." Tears made their way to the rim of my eyes. I heard a beautiful melody and soon Sasuke's soothing voice came out of the radio. Knowing that he was singing for me made me even happier.

The song ended and the emcee wooed and clapped. The emcee chuckled and said,

"So Sasuke how do you think your girlfriend responded to this?" Sasuke replied,

"I bet she's laying in her bed, crying. I know her very well." He chuckled. I laughed while crying. I texted him.

To: Sasuke
Subject: N/A

You're such an ass ❤️😓

Suddenly over the radio I heard Sasuke burst out laughing, knowing he read my message. He leaned into the mic and whispered,

"I love you (Y/N). Forever and Always."


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