{Tsukishima Kei}

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Title: We Were Always Better

Anime: Haikyuu!!


Tsukishima noticed how you would pout whenever you seen couples doing all the embarrassing-but-oddly-cute things together. He always had noticed, but being the way he was he wasn't going to tell you anytime soon. You were obviously jealous of all the lovey-dovey couples and were contemplating whether or not to discuss it with your tall boyfriend.

"Kei?" You asked in a silent voice as you two walked down the street, on your way home from school.

"Yes, (Y/N)?"

"Do you...I mean...would you...um..h-hug me?" You finally spat out the words you tried to say from the beginning. He smiled to himself, knowing why you were requesting such a simple gesture from him. He had to admit, he was quite disappointed in himself for making you feel that way. Wondering why he couldn't just walk up to you and kiss you on the spot. Maybe he was just saving it for the right moment. He stopped walking and looked at you. You quickly said,

"You don't have to do it was a stupid reque-" Before you could continue, you felt the blonde pull you into a warm embrace. Something you obviously were not expecting. You gasped slightly but then smiled widely and hugged him back with all your might. He sighed in content and said apologetically,

"I know I've been neglecting my affection towards you for a while now, but I want you to know that even in my jerky nature, I still absolutely adore you (Y/N)." You blushed to the high heavens at his proclamation of love. You giggled and said,

"It's alright, I love you too Kei~" He chuckled as you pulled away slightly. He whispered in your ear teasingly,

"Ah, ah, ah~ I never said I was done~" He pulled your face closer to his and hovered his lips over yours. Teasing you a little before giving you the most passionate kiss you had ever experienced in your life. It was like you were in your own personal heaven. The kiss lasted quite a while before you both pulled back for air. Tsukishima gave you another kiss on the forehead before saying,

"We were always way better than those couples anyway." You smiled and intertwined you fingers and said,

"You're right."


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