{Levi Ackerman Part 2}

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Title: I Need You

Anime: Attack on Titan

A/N: Special thanks to my kouhai Yuki who reassured me about this.


The next day, Levi walked into school expecting you to come rushing up to him like you did any other day. He waited 2..5..7 minutes and when he was just greeted by the other students also walking in, he was confused..and some other feeling he couldn't explain. He asked himself,

"What the hell..where the hell is that (Y/N) anyway."

His friend, Hanji, came up from behind him and said,

"Hey, looks like (Y/N) got bored with you! Haha well you thought she was annoying anyway right? Good for you."

His inner thoughts screamed,

"No..this isn't what I wanted.." But he shooed those thoughts away and went to class anyway.

When he got to class, he seen you there. You were in the last seat in the back, closest to the window. (A/N: main protagonist seat) He went and purposely sat beside you.

Once you noticed his presence, you fought the urge to say hi to him and ask him how his day was. You hated being like this but if he really thought you were a nuisance, he would be happy right? You glanced over at him and immediately caught his eyes on you. Blushing slightly, you turned away and looked out the window.

"Huh? What's this? Is (Y/N) finally giving up on Levi? Haha it's about time." The group of rude girls spat. You looked at them and said,

"Yeah, I did. Happy now?" They all looked at each other and started whispering things. Levi's breath hitched slightly.

"No you fucking idiot, you can't give up on me.." Levi thought in frustration. This kind of behavior towards him, seriously bothered the both of you. You couldn't stand treating him in such a cold way and he couldn't stand you not being around him with that smile he came to love.

Levi's eyes widened and he stared at the side of your head.

"I...love her?" These feelings that he newly discovered were so foreign to him that he didn't know what to do. He was usually this calm, mature person but you had changed him. You made him realize that it was okay to have feelings and accept people. You made him realize that he couldn't go to school without being greeted by your smile. You made him realize that for a long time, he had being ignoring what he really wanted. At that moment, he realized it all.

(Time skip to the end of the day)

Once the bell rung to end the day, Levi bolted out the door. He was a man on a mission. He had to find you and apologize for all the things he's ever said to you.

He pushed through the rushing students, looking everywhere for that beautiful (H/C) hair he wished he could run his hands through. When everyone had left and he was left alone in the hall with no signs of you, he dropped to his knees and said out loud,

"God damn it!" He grabbed his hair and continued,

"Why can't you just cooperate and let me tell you I love you?!"

"..Levi?" His eyes widened and he quickly turned around to see you standing there with a curious face.

Levi immediately got up and ran to you, pulling you in for a loving hug.

"(Y/N)..." You stood there in utter shock.

"Why is he like this? Is this even real?" You thought.

You suddenly stated out loud,

"That's..the first time you've ever said my name..Levi what's going on?" He pulled away and looked at you.

"I need you (Y/N)." He said with dead seriousness. You stuck a finger in your ear and twisted, trying to get any ear wax out of your ear that you thought was there. Levi watched you in disgust, as you did so.

"Sorry could you..could you say that again?"

"I need you (Y/N)." Your heart started beating against your chest and you pushed him away.

"N-no! You're lying!! You..you hate me! And you think I'm annoying!" He shook his head.

"At first I did but not anymore. I'm not going to stand here and list all the reasons why I love you but I do. I do and I don't want you to act like you did today. I want to see that smile every single day, and I'm going to make it happen." He blushes slightly when he realized all the sappy shit he just said. He clicked his tongue and crosses his arms, then looked at you.

"O-oi...why are you crying?" He moved closer to you and brushed a stay hair back behind your ear. You sniffed and said,

"I..I never thought you would ever feel that way about me..I went through so much to just be near you..and now..and n-now you..." He smiled slightly and shushed you. He wiped your tears with the pad of his thumbs and whispered,

"Look at me." You hesitantly met your eye vision with his. He smiled and said,

"I love you (Y/N). Please smile." You started crying even harder but smiled as well. He chuckled and pulled you in for another hug.

"Idiot..who smiles while their crying.." You laughed slightly and said,


"It's okay sweetheart.." You gasped and pushed him away.

"Does this mean we're dating?!" You asked him happily. He sighed and put his hand on his chin.



"Of course it does (Y/N)." You smiled and said,

"Thank you!! I promise I'll be the best girlfriend ever!" Levi suddenly brought his lips closer to yours and whispered,

"I know you will." He then connected his lips with yours. You kissed back as hard as you could. You honestly still couldn't believe he said all the things he did. He was so different from how he presented himself to everyone else. You pulled away and hugged him. You and Levi both said in your heads,

"This is the real him..the real Levi..the one I love.."

"This is the real her..the real (Y/N)..the one I'll cherish and protect forever.."

A/N: whelp that sucked. Idk I might rewrite this. Levi is really ooc and it bothers me.

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