{Father Yato x Principle Reader}

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Title: The Principal and The Father

Anime: Noragami

(Ooookay everyone lets just pretend Yato is Yukine's Father)


(Y/N) sighed as she dialed Yukine's father's number. It had been the fourth time she had had to call Yato in. Whenever she sees Yukine waiting outside her office one word comes to her mind immediately.


If he had a definition that sure as hell would be it. He was a rebellious teen who didn't know when to stop. Apparently this time he drew a bunch of pentagram's on a window with spray paint before deliberately smashing it soon after.

(Y/N) glanced at Yukine who was sitting in the chair in her office with his head down and sighed. She put her phone up to her ear and heard one...two...three rings before a soothing voice picked up on the other side.

"Ms. (L/N)! How are you? What's the sudden call about?"

She smiled slightly then turned to the kid Infront of her.

"The subject in which I'm calling you today is about your son. And I'm fine thanks for asking."

The other line was silent. Then she heard a loud sigh.

"Give me 5 minutes. It would be better to explain details in person wouldn't you say?"

"Yes, sounds great. See you soon."

She then hung up and put her elbow down on her desk, resting her head in the palm of her hand. She waiting a few seconds before saying,

"Is this about your mom again?"

Yukine's eyes widened as he looked up quickly.

"Stop talking about her. That bitch is long gone."


He tsked and looked away. They then sat in silence for a few minutes before a light knock was at the door. (Y/N) said,

"Come in."

She glanced over and watched as the beautiful black haired male walked in and closed the door behind him. He then walked over to her and held out his hand, looking at her with those bright blue eyes. She erupted her petty thoughts and took his hand in hers and smiled slightly before motioning for him to sit down beside his son.

"Yato, the reason I called you in today is because your son decided it was a good idea to draw satanic pentagram's on his classroom window and then smash the window completely."

Yato's eyes widened and then harshly whipped over to Yukine who was stubbornly looking out the window. He sighed and rubbed his temples then said,

"I'm really sorry (Y/N), I'll pay for the wi-"

"No you don't have to. I'll take care of that I just hope we can put this violent streak of your sons to a stop. I'm afraid I'm going to have to give him detention for the next week."

Yukine looked at (Y/N) and commented silently,

"That's...it? Your not going to...kick me out?"

(Y/N) smiled slightly and shook her head.

"That isn't necessary. Despite the trouble you have caused, I believe there is room for improvement and I am sure to see it through to the end."

Yato starred at (Y/N). He knew she was a gorgeous woman but he never knew she was capable of being this kind and compassionate. Yato and Yukine were both taken back by her words. Yato told Yukine to leave so that he could talk to (Y/N) privately. He smiled sweetly before standing up and bowing.

"Thank you very much for your consideration and faith in my son. I'm going to have a long talk with him and make sure this doesn't happen again."

He then walked over to her chair and held out his hand once again. She was expecting a regular handshake but when she put her hand in his, he hoisted her up and gave her a warm, comforting hug. She gasped quietly before giving in and hugging back. He was still hugging her when he said,

"You really don't understand how much I admire and appreciate what your doing for my son. Ever since his mom left us..he's been a hurricane. If there is anything I can do to repay you...anything at all please let me know."

She nodded and put her pointer finger on her chin then confidently looked at him.

"I have one request."

He smiled and asked,

"What is that?"

She smiled and whispered in his ear,



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