{Kyoya Otori}

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Title: Beach Accident

Anime: Ouran High School Host Club


You watched silently as the Host Club entertained their guests at the beach. Sipping your water, you tried to remember why you were even there to begin with. Memories surfaced from a few hours ago, when they had persuaded you to go with them to the sandy shores of Tokyo. Of all the people they could've chosen to accompany them, why you?

You, (Y/N) (L/N), were known as the girl who was allergic to the Host Club. Of course, no one actually understood why you avoided the bunch and you were thankful no one did. Not a single soul knew that you, (Y/N) (L/N), had feelings for Kyoya Otori. Those feelings were always on your mind, always distracting you, and for that reason, you decided that if you avoided them you would forget about it and be okay. Oh how wrong you were.

Your eyes unintentionally moved over to study the black haired male as he wrote away in his notebook. You watched as his glasses slowly slid down the bridge of his nose and when he pushed them back up, your heart skipped a beat. You sighed and put a hand over your heart.

"Calm down..please.." You whispered as you closed your eyes and tried to calm down. It left you flabbergasted how he made you feel this way without even knowing it. Someone's voice whispered into your ear from behind you,

"Calm down what?"

You screamed and fell out of your chair. Tamaki stood up straight and started laughing. You growled and stood up, dusting the sand off your shorts.

"What do you want?" You snapped at him as he left out a few chuckles.

"Come play with us, (Y/N)~chan!"

"No I don't want t-" "Too bad!"

Tamaki cut you off and dragged you onto the sand where the rest of the group was. You cried out in protest as Tamaki pushed you onto the volleyball court.

"(Y/N)~chan said she wants to play!" Tamaki chimed as he winked at the surrounding fangirls. Honey waved and shouted,

"Yay!! Let's have a good game! Right Takashi?" Mori nodded to the shorter male and got ready on the opposite side of the net from you. Haruhi came and put a hand on your shoulder.

"Sorry (Y/N).."

"Oh..don't apologize Haruhi.." You said quietly. She smiled and said,

"Well, in any case Kyoya~senpai is watching so maybe you can impress him with your volleyball moves."

Your eyes widened once the words she said sunk into your brain. She knew. Of course, nothing got past Haruhi..you should've known.

The teams were arranged as so:

You   | Honey
Haruhi | Mori
Tamaki | Renge
Hikaru | Kaoru

The match started with Mori serving. He hit the ball to your side of the net, which resulted in idiotic Tamaki fisting the ball and making it smash into the back of your head. You screamed and plummeted face first into the warm sand. You could hear Haruhi yell at Tamaki saying,

"Senpai we haven't even began to play and you've already injured someone!"

You didn't bother trying to get up yourself, the pain was throbbing in the back of your head. Not much later, you felt a pair of arms pull you up and into their lap. Coughing up sand, you squinted your eyes trying to see the person who was holding you.

"(Y/N) are you alright?" The person said. As soon as the melodic voice reached your ears you knew exactly who it was.

"Kyoya.." You whispered as you closed your eyes again. He pulled you closer to him and whispered back,

"Yeah that's right. It's me.." He swiftly stood up with you in his arms, not forgetting to shoot a glare Tamaki's way, before walking to his family car in order to take you to the hospital.

(Time skip / your PoV)

I woke up to a bright light shining down on me. Not only that but the room I was in was terrifyingly bone chilling. I tried to sit up but the pain I felt in the back of my head was unbearable.

I winced and glanced over at the person beside me that I had just noticed. Panic shot through me and I started blushing.

"W-what happened?.." I asked shyly to Kyoya who was watching me closely.

"Well," he started, "Tamaki forced you to play beach volleyball with him and then somehow two seconds into the game, the man himself whacked you in the back of the head with the ball." He walked over to were I was and pull both of his hands on my cheeks. My blush grew even deeper as I though he was going to kiss me. I closed my eyes in anticipation and only felt him move my head down and then back up again. I curiously opened my eyes back up to see him standing up, examining my wound.

A tic mark appeared on my forehead as I groaned mentally. I thought to myself,

"This is your chance! You're all alone in a room with him, just go for it!"

I inhaled and exhaled, then whipped my head in Kyoya's direction.


"Ms. (L/N), you're free to go!" A nurse interrupted me as I was about to confess my feelings. I slapped a hand to my forehead in frustration and got up. Kyoya put his arm out for me to hold and we walked out of the hospital together. He said,

"Would you like to drive back or walk?"

"Walk please." I answered, hoping then I would be able to tell him how I felt.

After we got out, we started walking down the sidewalk together. Silence engulfed us like we weren't even there. I sighed and stopped, then turned to him.

"Kyoya please listen to what I have to say." He stopped and gave me his full attention.

"Listen I..I know that I shouldn't be given any special treatment by you, I'm just one of the girls from your school after all. It's strange how I even got this way. Okay, this is going to sound extremely weird coming from me but..I love you." I blurted out, then quickly continued,

"I know you probably won't return my feeli-" I was cut off when Kyoya surprisingly pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"Don't say that I won't return your feelings. I've returned your feelings for a long time now, and I sincerely apologize for not telling you sooner." He said quietly into my ear. I teared up and hugged him closer to me.

"Thank you." I whispered as he pulled away from me. He brought his face down to meet mine and whispered back,

"Your welcome." Before bring me in for an intoxicating kiss. Our feelings merged as the kiss intensified, our mouthed moving against each other in content. We pulled away for air and stared into each other's eyes, before intertwining hands and continuing down the sidewalk. Not as acquaintances, not as friends, but as lovers.

A/N: Yo, sorry for the long wait. More one-shots coming soon. Probably.

And by soon, well, yeah. Anyway thanks for reading.

Thanks for breathing.

Thanks for..Chris Pratt..

(I wanna get in that bungalow, ya feel)

This one shot kinda sucked

okay bye bye.

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