{Eren Jaeger}

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Title: Jail

Anime: Attack on Titan

A/N: SURPRISE UPDATE MOTHERFUCKAAAASSSS (sorry but omg look at that sexy mofo) so I know I said I wouldn't update but I just couldn't resist but this seriously sucks so bad. Like I'm not even in my right mind right now....okay onwards!


"So, aside from sitting in this jail cell together, how are you doing this fine morning?"

That's all it took for you to snap. You were just shopping responsibly like the responsible adult you were, when apparently some teenage kids decided that slipping a stolen expensive piece of jewelry in your purse would be a 'fun joke'. You promised yourself if you ever seen them again, they were going to die by your hands. Not only that, but the guy your temporarily sharing your jail cell with keeps trying to bring up a conversation when you clearly don't want one.

"Did you just fucking ask me how my mornings going? Oh I don't know, I'm sitting in fucking jail being accused for a crime I didn't commit with some annoying jack-off who's probably here for a serious crime in which he most likely DID commit, oh yeah my morning is just going great." The guy was completely take back by your outburst. Of course you didn't mean anything you said, it was just under so much pressure and never being in jail in your life before, it was really getting to you.

He went silent after that. Being the curious person you were, you looked up at him to get an honest visual of your cell mate. Brown hair, emerald green eyes, nice tan skin. You then realized how handsome your cell mate actually was, not only that but he was still pouring from your earlier thrashing. You cleared your throat and turned to him.

"L-look I'm just really frustrated right now, I didn't mean anything I said. I'm sorry. I'm (F/N) (L/N), I'm not going to say I'm glad we met under the circumstances but it's nice to meet you." He turned towards you and smiled, revealing his pearly whites.

"The names Eren Jaeger. I understand I'm quite frustrated myself. Actually, the reason I'm here is because I got caught with drugs that weren't even mine. If they find the person that put them on me, I'll be free to go." You chuckled noticing how similar your situations were.

He smiled and ran a hand through his hair. You watched him out of the corner of your eye and blushed. He saw this and slightly smirked, knowing you were watching him the whole time. You looked over to the cell door to see a guard unlocking the door. You and Eren both stood up and waited to hear what he had to say.

"Eren Jaeger, under false chargers of drug possession, you are free to go." You were disappointed it wasn't you who was getting released, but still slightly happy that Eren got the freedom he deserved. He turned back to you said,

"I hope to see you soon, (Y/N)." He waved and followed the guard out. You muttered under your breath,

"Yeah..me too."

(Time Skip to Your Release!)

You were finally walking out the police station door with all your belongings. Apparently they finger printed the jewelry and were able to find the culprits who were handed to the state police. You happily walked out, when a certain brown haired male caught your gaze. You looked around and walked over to him.


"(Y/N)!" He said as he hugged you. You freezes up but hugged him back. He pulled away and said,

"I waited for you! Let's go to dinner. I know I'm a complete stranger but I think I like you a lot and want to get to know you." You blushed as he held out his hand to you.

"O-okay..I'll have dinner with you." He  grinned widely and did a little victory dance, to which you chuckled and thought,

"What a weirdo. A cute weirdo that is."

A/N: that sucked a lot more than I intended it too. Sorry OKAY BYE BYE!

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