{Akashi Seijuro}

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Title: Wrong

Anime: Kuroko no Basket

A/N: in this one shot, you and Akashi are married and have a 13 year old son. Also, (S/N) = Son name.


"(F/N) you can not win this, my answer is absolute." That's all it took to get your blood boiling. You and Akashi were at total war as to what the answer to your son's homework was. He had came to you both earlier, completely in the dark about some complicated pre algebra crap. Akashi had said,

"The answer is x = 15, (S/N) it is correct." You, also trying to figure out the problem said,

"No it isn't. You subtract the 3 from both sides the correct answer is 5" and it ended up in an all out fued of you both. Your son just sat there, completely bewildered by his parents silly game and while you two were going at it, he managed to find the correct answer himself. You two were throwing insults at each other whenever your son said,

"Mom! Dad! Calm down please." He looked at you with both with his heterochromia eyes. One red, one (E/C). He sighed as you guys continued to bicker. He screamed,

"HEY!" You and Akashi screamed back at the exact same time,

"WHAT?!" (S/N) chuckled and said,

"First of all, both of you are wrong. The answer is x = 10 and second, fighting never solved anything between you before why would it now? I'm going to go upstairs and sleep. You two should hang out and do all that lovey-dovey things you like to do when you think I'm not around." He said and then quickly forced his homework in his back, slinging it over his shoulder and then patting his dad on the back. He walked up the stairs and then it was just the two of you.

A few minutes passed and Akashi cleared his throat. You were leaning against the counter with your arms crossed. Akashi sighed and walked in front of you, slamming his arms down on the counter on either side of you. You flinched slightly, looking into his heterochromia eyes that were piercing straight into your soul. He then surprisingly kissed you so passionately you forgot why you guys were fighting in the first place. Putting one hand securely on the back of your neck, he grabbed under your butt and with immense strength, lifted you onto the counter. He was now completely in between your legs, making you wrap them around his waist. He continued to give you those intoxicating kisses as he hummed in content. You pulled back to get your breath back. Panting, you and Akashi looked at each other and bursted out laughing. You said,

"Is the great Akashi Seijuro going to admit to being wrong?" He smirked and put his mouth close to your ear, sending chills to places that still yearned for his touch.

"Never." He whispered as he kissed your ear lobe and bit it softly. He continued to do sweet things to you, not hearing faint footsteps coming down the steps. Your son found you two right in the middle of your little session, with a strait face he quickly turned around and bolted back to his room.

"Those sickos." He muttered as he blushed slightly, falling asleep trying to get the memory of his mother and father's heated meeting out of his head.


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